Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes

Moorpark College
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
1. Communication Competency
- Attend to and clearly express ideas in written, spoken, numerical, and artistic forms.
- Communicate effectively and logically.
2. Information Competency
- Evaluate multiple sources of information to apply it critically and appropriately.
- Gather, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information.
3. Quantitative Competence
- Implement quantitative and qualitative models to make predictions, draw conclusions, and make decisions that are logical and feasible.
- Collect, organize, analyze, and process research data in a clear, synthesized format.
4. Analytic Inquiry Skills
- Distinguish the modes of inquiry and critique used in the natural, social, and behavioral sciences and the humanities.
- Explain the connections among the various disciplines.
5. Ethical Reasoning
- Apply ethical principles to personal, academic, professional and/or community issues.
- Work ethically and effectively with others.
6. Ability to Engage Diverse Perspectives
- Recognize the multitude of diversities in the physical and human environments and how these diversities impact the individual and society.
- Recognize the diversity of human experience, the role of the natural environment, and the relationship between the two.
- Describe and appreciate the role of culture and the arts in society and in one’s personal life.
7. Ability to Create
- Act purposefully in combining awareness, critical thinking, and communication skills with personal responsibility in order to originate, innovate, or build upon ideas.
8. Growth Orientation
- Apply the skills necessary for successful living in an ever-changing and global environment.
- Identify and adopt the concepts of personal health and fitness to enhance the quality of life.