Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

Behavior Intervention Team

Behavioral Assessment & Care (BAC) is an extension of the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT).

Going to college can be a big change for many of our students and may present challenges that become a cause for concern or create disruptions for others. BAC is a diverse member team that addresses these concerns in an efficient and holistic approach focused on student care and campus safety.

Be it a concern for a student’s emotional or physical well-being or a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the BAC Team may provide guidance, assistance, consultation, or referral to a variety of student services, or, if appropriate, disciplinary action. For any college-related conduct, behavior, or safety concern that may impact a student’s ability to achieve his or her educational goals, BAC is available for students, faculty, and staff to seek assistance by contacting the Dean of Student Learning at 805-553-4848.