First Year Experience
First Year Experience
First Year Experience (FYE) Program
Program Goals
First Year Experience (FYE) is a student success program designed for first-time students transitioning into college. FYE ensures that first-year students have the tools and support necessary to navigate through college and beyond.
With the support of academic counselors, faculty, staff, and student peers, FYE students will engage in the college experience and connect to the Ventura College community. Through this program, students are empowered to take ownership of their education and life goals.

This program is open to any of the following students:
- All first-time college students with no prior college experience
- Former dual-enrollment students
- Students with fewer than 15 college units or have been out of college for 5-10 years
- Complete an online orientation (in portal), understand Math & English placement, and complete a My Academic Plan (MAP) workshop.
Course ID | Title | Units/Hours |
COUN V01 | College Success | 3 |
COUN V02 | Career Exploration and Life Planning | 3 |
COUN V03 | College Orientation | 1 |
COUN V05 | Exploring Careers and College Majors | 1 |
EAC V01 | Strategies for Success in College and Life | 3 |
ENGR V01 | Introduction to Engineering | 3 |
Students must apply to the program and attend Arrival Survival (Summer Orientation)
Students must enroll in English and Math during their first year
Students must complete FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application
Educational counseling and planning
Academic & student success workshops
Career counseling
Enrollment assistance
Extended orientation
Transfer guidance
Priority registration for spring and summer/fall semesters (for students who complete program requirements)
Social gatherings to help integrate students into the college community
For more information, please call the FYE Office at 805-289-6438, or visit the FYE page on the Ventura College website.