Associate Degrees in Specific Majors
Associate Degrees in Specific Majors
Associate Degrees in Specific Majors
Requirements for Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) Degrees in Specific Majors

- Choose a major from the Ventura College AA or AS degree lists below and complete the courses required for that major (a minimum of 18 semester units of degree-applicable college credit coursework). Courses for the major must be completed with a grade of "C" or better, or a “P” if the course is taken on a “pass-no pass” basis (Title 5 § 55062). Even though a “P” is allowed, it is recommended that students complete all major coursework for a letter grade ("A," "B," or "C").
Note: Universities have limitations on the number of units that may be taken on a “pass-no pass" basis and therefore it is strongly recommended that students take all major coursework for a letter grade. Most universities also have limitations on the number of general education units that may be completed on a "pass/no pass" basis. - Complete Ventura College’s General Education requirements (areas A through E).
- Natural Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Biological Science: one (1) course
- Physical Science: one (1) course
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- American History and Institutions: one (1) course
- Social and Behavioral Sciences: one (1) course
- Humanities (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Fine Arts / Performing Arts: one (1) course
- Humanities: one (1) course
- Language and Rationality (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- English Composition: one (1) course
- Communication and Analytical Thinking: one (1) course
- Health and Kinesiology (no unit minimum)
- Health Education: one (1) course
- Kinesiology, Intercollegiate Athletics, or Dance activity: one (1) activity course
- Natural Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Satisfactorily complete at least 60 semester units of degree-applicable college coursework (including general education, major, and, if needed, free electives).
- Demonstrate competency in reading, written expression, and mathematics as defined in Title 5 § 55062 for the appropriate catalog year.
- Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better in degree-applicable college credit coursework.
- Complete a minimum of 12 semester units in residence within the district. Exceptions to the residency requirement can be made by the VCCCD Board of Trustees when injustice or undue hardship would result.
- Apply for the Associate Degree in the Counseling Office by the published deadline dates. All of the student's official transcripts and test scores (such as AP, IB, or CLEP) must be on file with the Admissions and Records office.
References: AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education; last reviewed May 2024. AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees, Certificates and Proficiency Awards; last reviewed May 2024.
Associate Degrees in Specific Majors Offered at Ventura College
At the time of catalog publication, a student may earn the following AA or AS degrees at Ventura College:
Ventura College Associate in Arts degrees
- Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies, Associate in Arts
- Ceramics, Associate in Arts
- Chicana/o Studies, Associate in Arts
- Film Studies, Associate in Arts
- Fine Art, Associate in Arts
- Global and International Studies, Associate in Arts
- Music, Associate in Arts
- Photography, Associate in Arts
- Social Work/Human Services, Associate in Arts
Ventura College Associate in Science degrees
- Accounting Technician, Associate in Science
- Accounting, Associate in Science
- Administrative Office Assistant, Associate in Science
- Advanced Manufacturing, Associate in Science
- Architectural Design, Associate in Science
- Architectural Science, Associate in Science
- Automotive Career Education, Associate in Science
- Basic Law Enforcement Academy, Associate in Science
- Business Management, Associate in Science
- Child Development, Associate in Science
- Construction Technology, Building Inspection Option, Associate in Science
- Construction Technology, Construction Management Option, Associate in Science
- Criminal Justice, Associate in Science
- Diesel Mechanics, Associate in Science
- Drafting Technology: Industrial Design and Manufacturing Option, Associate in Science
- Emergency Medical Services: Paramedic Studies, Associate in Science
- Engineering, Associate in Science
- Food Safety, Associate in Science
- Health Sciences, Associate in Science
- Medical Assistant - Administrative, Associate in Science
- Medical Assistant - Multi-Skilled, Associate in Science
- Nursing, Associate in Science
- Physical Science: Engineering Technology, Associate in Science
- Social Media Marketing, Associate in Science
- Supervision, Associate in Science
- Veterinary Technology, Associate in Science
- Water Science, Associate in Science
- Welding Technology, Associate in Science