Accessibility Coordination Center & Educational Support Services (ACCESS)
Accessibility Coordination Center & Educational Support Services (ACCESS)

Moorpark College provides support services for all eligible students with disability-related needs. Students with learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, psychological disabilities, vision, health, hearing, speech, acquired brain injury, or other documented disabilities can find the services they require through ACCESS. By registering with ACCESS, students are assured of accessibility to the Moorpark College curriculum and facilities. The ACCESS Center is located in the LMC. For more information, contact ACCESS by phone (805) 378-1461, Videophone: (805) 222-4583 or fax (805) 378-1594.
Student Learning Outcome
- Increase knowledge to promote greater independence and self-advocacy.
Appropriate Accommodations
Reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations ensure equal accessibility to the college curriculum and programs for all students. Moorpark College is fully compliant with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with questions or concerns regarding disability related accommodations can contact ACCESS directly at (805) 378-1461. The Moorpark College ADA/504 Facilitator is the Vice President and can be reached at (805) 378-1403
Through ACCESS, Learning Skills classes are offered for personal and scholastic development such as writing, math, and study strategies. These classes are available to assist students needing additional basic skills preparation for college-level coursework and, although they are designed for students with disabilities, these courses are open to all Moorpark College students.
Assistive hardware devices, software, and specialized equipment are available. These include speech recognition dictation, screen enlargement, print magnification, screen reader, and scan and read (text to speech) systems.
Examples of services available through ACCESS
- Academic, Career, and Disability Counseling
- Alternate Media Formats
- ASL Interpreters
- Assessment for Learning Disabilities
- Assistive Equipment
- Electronic Text
- Note Taking Assistance
- Real-time Captioning
- Registration Assistance
- Specialized Learning Skills Courses
- Testing Taking Accommodations, such as extra time or a distraction reduced environment