Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS)
Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS)

Moorpark College has programs to assist economically and educationally disadvantaged students achieve their educational goals: Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS) and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE).
EOPS was established in 1969 with the intent to encourage local community colleges to establish and implement programs directed at identifying low income and educationally disadvantaged students and increasing these numbers of students to be served by the colleges. At Moorpark College, the EOPS Program is designed to give EOPS eligible students the opportunity and assistance necessary to successfully complete their academic transfer and/or Career and Technical Education program. EOPS supplements the regular educational programs and encourages students to participate in other college programs and to maximize usage of their services. EOPS support services assist students in overcoming the many obstacles that a new environment, a new school, or a new setting can present.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the range of EOPS/CARE/NextUP services available for underrepresented, economically, and educationally disadvantaged students.
- Navigate the college’s educational resources, and financial aid.
- Describe their comprehensive student educational plan; identify skills for success and wellness.
EOPS Support Services
- Priority Registration
- Academic/Career Counseling
- Tutoring Referrals1
- EOPS/CARE Book Grants1
- Parking Vouchers/Bus passes1
- Laptop and Calculator Loan Program1
- Meal vouchers
Community Referrals
Cap and Gown for graduates
- CSU and UC Application Fee Waivers
- Student ID Vouchers1
- School Supplies1
- 1
Based on funding.
EOPS Eligibility Criteria
- Be a California resident or AB540 (Dream Act),
- Be a full-time student (12 units),
- Have completed less than 50 units of degree-applicable credit,
- Eligible for California College Promise Grant and meet the qualifying income standards for one of the methods below:
- Method "A" - You, or your parents if applicable, must be currently receiving benefits from CalWORKs, TANF, SSI/SSP, or General Relief. Bring proof of your benefits to the Financial Aid Office.
- Method "B" - You, and your parents if applicable, must meet the following income standards for the school year in which you are applying, based upon your Total Family Income. Your income must be equal to or less than the amount indicated for your household size.
- Meet at least one of the following EOPS educational condition: (Transcripts Required)
- non-high school graduate.
- high school G.P.A. below 2.5.
- have been previously enrolled in remedial courses.
- CARE ONLY- at least 18 years old and a single head of household, current recipient of assistance from CalWORKs/TANF for themselves or their dependents.
EOPS Application Procedure
- Apply for the California College Promise Grant formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver and/or Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act Application.
- Apply for the EOPS Program by filling out the EOPS application. Provide official or unofficial transcripts from high school and prior colleges (if attended).
- Once application and documentation is reviewed and deemed eligible, the student must attend a mandatory EOPS Orientation.
Maintaining Eligibility
In order to remain eligible for the EOPS program, each EOPS student must make acceptable progress towards a goal, certificate, or degree as determined by the college, with an average of a 2.0 GPA or better for each semester. Each EOPS/CARE student is required to meet three times per semester with his or her EOPS/CARE Counselor for academic advisement and educational planning.
For further information call (805) 378-1464 or visit the EOPS/CARE Office in building SSA-107A.
Programs Under the Umbrella of EOPS
There are two programs under the umbrella of EOPS to assist economically and educationally disadvantaged students, CARE and NextUP.
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a cooperative effort under the umbrella of EOPS involving the State Employment Development Department, State Department of Social Services, local county welfare departments and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. It is a special outreach and support effort targeted specifically to CalWORKs recipients. The program provides services to EOPS eligible students, single heads of households, with at least one child that is receiving cash aid.
NextUp provides “over and above and in addition to” support services for current and former foster youth attending Moorpark College. NextUp is a program within EOPS that supports eligible students who experienced the foster care system in achieving higher education success, health, and well-being while pursuing their education and career goals.
NextUp provides “over and above and in addition to” support services for current and former foster youth attending Moorpark College.
NextUp is a program within EOPS that supports eligible students who experienced the foster care system in achieving higher education success, health, and well-being while pursuing their education and career goals. Supportive services include assistance with transportation, food vouchers, book vouchers, educational grants, and school supplies (see below for a full list).
- Once a student qualifies for NextUp, they also automatically qualify for EOPS.
- We connect and support NextUp (foster youth) students while increasing academic awareness and achievement as these students embark on their educational journey.
Who qualifies for NextUp?
To qualify, a student must:
- Be a current or former foster youth in California whose dependency was established or continued by a court on or after the youth's 13th birthday
- Be no older than 25 years of age at the commencement of any academic year in which the student first enrolls in the program.
- Enrolled in at least 1 unit, however, students enrolled in fewer than 9 units may be accepted into the program with exceptions.
NextUp Services
What are the benefits of NextUp?
- Academic counseling
- Career and transfer counseling
- Career and transfer planning
- Community resources
- Computer lab with free printing
- Priority registration
- Educational Grants
- Financial aid assistance and guidance
- Food Vouchers (on campus & grocery)
- Graduation cap and gown
- Laptop/calculator loaner program
- Peer mentor support
- Parking permits
- Priority registration
- School supplies
- Student ID voucher
- Textbook vouchers (full cost)
- University application fee waivers
- Field trips
- Workshops and so much more!
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a cooperative effort under the umbrella of EOPS involving the State Employment Development Department, State Department of Social Services, local county welfare departments and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. It is a special outreach and support effort targeted specifically to cash aid recipients.
The program provides services to EOPS eligible, single heads of households, with one child under the age of 18 that is receiving cash aid. CalWORKs students that meet CARE criteria may also be eligible for services. All CARE eligible students qualify for EOPS services as well.
How can one qualify for the CARE program and services?
- Must be enrolled in EOPS
- Single parent with at least one child under the age of 18
- Current Cash Aid/TANFs recipient
- Full time student (Minimum of 9 or more units)
- Pursuing an educational, vocational, or job training program