General Counseling Information
General Counseling Information

Getting an education is not a “do-it-yourself” project. Counselors are available to help students progress through college and meet their goals in the most effective and efficient way for each individual. Counseling services are available to Moorpark College students online as well as on a day and evening basis. Through a coordinated guidance program, counselors assist students with academic planning as well as career and personal matters. Although any counselor can help any student, most counselors have particular expertise within each Area of Interest. Students are encouraged to develop a working relationship with an individual counselor. Consistent counselor contact and follow-up is essential for maximum educational success. For more specific information visit the counseling page at the Moorpark College website.
Academic Counseling
Accurate information about program requirements and course prerequisites is essential for planning any course of study. Counselors are a valuable resource to help students select appropriate classes since they have in-depth knowledge of changes that may affect completion of majors, general education and/or transfer requirements. Counselors can help students select the best combination of courses to meet the lower division transfer requirements for specific transfer institutions. Meeting regularly with a counselor helps ensure the most efficient progress toward achieving an Associate Degree, Certificate of Achievement, transfer or other educational goals.
Students who have not selected a major field of study are especially encouraged to meet with a counselor to develop an educational plan that will allow them to explore educational options while selecting classes that will be the most versatile.
Students may arrange for academic counseling by requesting an appointment online by visiting the counseling page at the Moorpark College website, making an appointment at the Counseling Office in Fountain Hall, or by calling (805) 378-1428.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Identify which English and math courses on their education plan/program map must be completed in the first year.
Identify courses needed to achieve their goal for at least one semester.
Career Counseling
Students are encouraged to use the resources in the Career Transfer Center, located in Fountain Hall, for computerized career assessments as well as for research on local, state, and national job markets. See the Career Transfer Center section for more information.
Personal Counseling
Life continues to happen while you are going to College. When other life issues impact education, counselors can also assist with non-academic concerns. You can call (805) 378-1428 to make a “Personal Counseling” appointment with the Counseling Office or (805) 378-1413 to make an appointment for mental health counseling at the Student Health Center.