University Transfer Center
University Transfer Center

University Transfer Center
The Moorpark College University Transfer Center offers life planning assistance to all students whether one is updating job skills, pursuing a certificate or associates degree, or planning to transfer to a four-year college. This one-stop center is a valuable resource to students at each stage of education and career development and can assist students to make a smooth and successful transition to the next step. Visit the center to explore a range of college and career options, participate in employer and university events, and to determine a realistic pathway to achieving your career and educational goals.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Students who attend an application workshop will submit their university application by the designated deadline.
Services include:
- assistance in identifying a major or career direction
- access to Career and College Exploration software available for planning your future
- career exploration workshops and courses
- job skills resources, workshops, and courses
- internship courses and connections between college and career
- transfer preparation workshops
- scheduling and coordination of all four-year University representatives and employer visits
- assistance with job application, resume, and interview procedures
- assistance with university admissions and the transfer process
- coordination of guaranteed transfer agreements with participating universities
- career and transfer reference materials
- events such as Transfer Day (fall), Career and Internship Expo (spring), Transfer Recognition events (spring), Major/Career and Undecided workshops (varies), and University Specific events (varies)
- posting of job and internship opportunities from local employers and the community
- collaboration with local employers and the community for assessing work place needs, and posting of job and internship opportunities
Whether a student is undecided about their future career or educational goals or knows exactly what they hope to gain from their Moorpark College experience, the Moorpark College University Transfer Center has something to offer. The University Transfer Center is located in Fountain Hall. For more information or to verify hours and location, call (805) 378-1536, email:
ASSIST: A Link to Transfer Information
ASSIST is a computerized transfer information system that can be accessed online from any computer, including those available for use in the University Transfer Center. This system reports how course credits earned at one California Community College or university can be applied when transferred to another. As the official repository of articulation for California’s Community College and universities, ASSIST provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer to public universities in California. Questions about ASSIST or how it works can be answered in the University Transfer Center. ASSIST can be accessed online at