
NOTE: Some courses may have credit limitations.  Refer to the Credit Limitations and UC Credit Limitations areas or see the UC Transfer Course Agreement page for details.

ANAT M01 Human Anatomy 4 Units
In-Class Hours: 52.5 lecture, 52.5 laboratory
Advisories/Rec Prep: BIOL M01 or BIOL M02A or BIOL M02AH; and eligibility for ENGL M01A or M01AH; and a course taught at the level of intermediate algebra or placement as determined by the college’s multiple measures assessment process

Examines the anatomy of human organs and organ systems from a functional perspective that focuses on an understanding of the design of the human body. Teaches, in the laboratory setting, how to distinguish tissue types through histological specimens. Studies the three-dimensional relationship of body structures through required non-human mammalian dissection. Demonstrates, using human cadavers, the gross anatomy of the human body.

Grade Modes: Letter Graded, Student Option- Letter/Credit, Pass/No Pass Grading
Field Trips: May be required
Degree Applicability: Applies to Associate Degree
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC
UC Credit Limitations: None
CSU GE-Breadth: B2, B3
ANAT M122 Independent Study - Anatomy 0.5-3 Units
Formerly: ANAT M22A
In-Class Hours: 26.25-157.5 laboratory
Prerequisites: Completion of one course in Anatomy and instructor approval

Allows independent study for students who wish to extend their knowledge of a particular area of Anatomy through research and study. Utilizes an approved independent project. Includes one-on-one work with instructor. Interested students should contact an Anatomy instructor for assistance in developing a contract for learning about a specific topic.

Grade Modes: Letter Graded, Student Option- Letter/Credit, Pass/No Pass Grading
Degree Applicability: Applies to Associate Degree
AA/AS GE: None
Transfer Credit: CSU
UC Credit Limitations: None
CSU GE-Breadth: None