Co-Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities

Student Activities
The Student Activities Office encourages student life on campus by overseeing the Associated Students and student organizations in addition to hosting and sponsoring campus events. These extracurricular activities allow students to learn leadership, civic responsibility, and appreciation of diversity while providing them with skills and experiences to enhance their employability. All students have the opportunity to get involved in campus life by participating in student clubs and organizations, running for student government, being a student representative on college committees or attending campus activities. Find out how to get involved by contacting the Student Activities Office at calling (805) 378-1434, or visiting us at Student Life + Activities
Associated Students
Every registered student at Moorpark College is a member of the Associated Students. Each spring semester the student body elects its officially recognized student government, the Associated Students of Moorpark College (ASMC) Board of Directors. This Board consists of eleven students elected to represent Moorpark College students on campus, district, and statewide participatory committees. ASMC’s mission is to give Moorpark College students a voice for their ideas and concerns. ASMC provides leadership opportunities and encouragement for students to get involved on campus through student organizations, campus events, and extracurricular activities. ASMC inspires students towards critical thinking, civic responsibility, advocacy, and leadership. The ASMC Board of Directors funds campus events that are sponsored by student organizations and the college to develop student life on campus beyond the classroom. The ASMC Office is located inside the Campus Center in Room 152.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Show an improvement in the following skills: Advocacy, Public speaking, Networking , Meeting, project, and/or event management.
- Improve their understanding of the following:
- Moorpark College's shared governance process;
- The Brown Act and Parliamentary Procedure/Robert’s Rules of Order;
- Moorpark College’s administrative departments and resources.

Moorpark College offers a wide variety of programs for men and women interested in competing at an intercollegiate level. The Raiders field the following teams for women: basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, track and field, volleyball and beach volleyball. Men’s teams are basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, cross country, track and field, baseball and wrestling. The athletic teams compete in the Western State Conference, one of the finest conferences in California.
Every sport enjoys equal status at Moorpark College. This philosophy is clearly demonstrated by the College’s successes in the Western State Conference Athletic Supremacy race, which awards the conference’s best overall athletic program. Moorpark has been a consistent contender in this competition with outstanding performances in all sports. The Athletic Department prides itself on outstanding classroom success of its student athletes. The 2015 men’s volleyball and 2016 men’s basketball and Football were state recipients as was the 2017 men’s and women’s track & field teams and men’s volleyball in 2018 Men’s cross country and men’s soccer were recognized as state scholar teams.
To compete in intercollegiate athletics, students must meet the eligibility requirements of the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA). First time participants must be actively enrolled in 12 units of study, 9 of which must be academic classes and part of the student’s educational plan. Second year participants must have passed 24 units with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 of which 18 units must be academic. All teams require an advanced degree of skill. Student athletes must be willing to devote extra time to traveling to contests and practice. Several years of data shows that Moorpark College student athletes earn higher grades and complete their degrees at a much higher rate than non-athletes.
Watch Moorpark College’s Raider teams in action. For game schedules call (805) 378-1457 or visit the athletics page at the Moorpark College website.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Complete the matriculation process as a student athlete.
- Identify and engage with campus resources as applicable to their needs and goals as a Student Athlete.
MC L.E.A.D.S. Program
The Moorpark College L.E.A.D.S. Program is an extracurricular cohort-based program aimed at providing students skills to enhance their leadership and professional development.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Gain a greater understanding of their own personal identities and how their identities shape their leadership and followership;
- Learn to explore and actualize their personal values;
- Develop practical skills and tools such as effective communication, relationship building, conflict resolution, and cultural competency.

Student Organizations
There are over 45 student organizations to choose from at Moorpark College. These organizations makeup the Inter-Club Council, which is designed to encourage students to get involved in campus life beyond the classroom. Some of the existing organizations include the Business Students Association, FLeX Club, Chemistry Club, Engineering Club, Mock Trial Club, Psychology Club, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, SPACE Club, and the Student Nurses Association, among many others. These organizations host a variety of campus activities throughout the year and provide personal and professional enrichment opportunities. For more information about student organizations or how to start a student organization at Moorpark College, stop by Student Activities in the Campus Center, or visit the MC Clubs & Organizations page at the Moorpark College website.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the importance of member attendance tracking and generating meeting minutes.
- Convey how to plan on-campus meetings, events and activities.
- Articulate protocol for fundraising, requesting, and spending club/org funds.
- Describe off-campus travel procedures and policies.