Oxnard College
Oxnard College
2024 • 2025 College Catalog

Please visit the college website for a complete list of previous catalogs.
Oxnard College has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided in this general catalog is accurate and current. However, this document should not be considered an irrevocable contract between the students and Oxnard College. The content is subject to change. The College reserves the right to make additions, revisions, or deletions, and will implement the changes as may be necessary due to changes in governmental regulations, district and college policy, procedures, and/or curriculum. The College will make every reasonable effort to inform students of significant changes that occur after publication of this document. Information of significant changes will be the official version and will be posted/available on the Oxnard College website at oxnardcollege.edu/apply-and-enroll/college-catalog. Any addenda posted at this site will become the official version. The catalog is available in alternate formats upon request from the Educational Assistance Center, (805) 678-5830.
- A-Z Index
- Academic and Progress Notice, Dismissal, and Readmission
- Academic Calendar 2024-2025
- Academic Dishonesty
- Academic Policies
- Accounting
- Accreditation
- Acknowledgements
- Addendum
- Addictive Disorders Studies
- Administration, Faculty, and Staff
- Admission
- Admissions & Records
- Admissions & Registration
- Advancement Placement (AP) Credit for Oxnard College, CSU GE & IGETC
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- American Sign Language & Deaf Studies
- Anatomy
- Anthropology
- Appendices
- Appendix I - Privacy Rights
- Appendix II - Statement of Nondiscrimination
- Appendix III - Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
- Appendix IV - Rights and Responsibilities
- Appendix IX - Financial Aid Programs
- Appendix V - Student Rights and Grievances
- Appendix VI - Sexual Misconduct
- Appendix VII - Student Discipline Procedures
- Appendix VIII - Students Right-to-Know
- Appendix X - Student Health Services
- Appendix XI - Academic Freedom
- Appendix XII - Student Success and Support Program
- Appendix XIII - Probation, Dismissal and Readmission
- Appendix XIV - Course Repetition
- Appendix XIX - Solicitation
- Appendix XV - Enrollment Priorities
- Appendix XVI - Academic Renewal without Course Repetition
- Appendix XVII - Drug-Free District Policy
- Appendix XVIII - Smoking Policy
- Appendix XX - Publicity Code and Information Dissemination
- Appendix XXI - Use of Student Image, Likeness or Voice
- Appendix XXII - Distance Education
- Appendix XXIII - Campus Safety
- Appendix XXIV - Workplace Violence Plan
- Appendix XXV - Reporting of Crimes
- Archived Catalogs
- Art & Art History
- Assistive Computer Technology
- Associate Degrees in Specific Majors
- Associated Student Government
- Astronomy
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Auditing Classes
- Automotive Body and Fender Repair
- Automotive Technology
- California State University Guarantee for AA-T and AS-T
- CalWORKs
- Campus Maps
- Campus Police Services
- Career Center
- Chemistry
- Chicana/o Studies
- Child and Adolescent Development
- Child Development Center
- Choose an Educational Goal
- Coastal Environmental Studies
- College Demographics
- College Information
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Communication Studies
- Computer Applications & Office Technologies
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Networking/Information Technology
- Counseling
- Counseling Services
- Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)
- Course Repetition
- Courses Offered for Credit for Prior Learning
- Credit For Prior Learning
- Credit for Prior Learning Policy
- Culinary Arts & Restaurant Management
- Early Childhood Education
- Earn a Certificate of Achievement
- Earn a Certificate of Competency
- Earn a Certificate of Completion
- Earn a Proficiency Award
- Earn an Associate Degree A.A. or A.S.
- Earn an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)
- Earn an Associate in Science Degree for UC Transfer (AS-UCTP)
- Economics
- Education
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Engineering
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Environmental Science
- Ethnic Studies
- Fees & Tuition
- Filipino
- Film, Television, and Electronic Media
- Financial Aid
- Fire Technology
- First Year Experience (FYE) Program
- General Counseling Information
- General Course Information
- General Education
- General Education Options
- General Education Options
- General Studies
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geography
- Geology
- Global Studies
- Glossary
- Grades
- Graduation Requirements
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit for Oxnard College, CSU GE, & IGETC
- International Students
- Marine Studies
- Mathematics
- Meet with a Counselor
- Microbiology
- Military Credit and Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
- Mission, Vision, and Goals
- Music
- OC STEM Grant
- OMEGA Initiative
- Other Graduation Information
- Oxnard College GE Student Learning Outcomes
- Oxnard College General Education Requirements
- Paralegal Studies
- Philosophy
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Physiology
- Planning Your Education
- Political Science
- Pre-Health Professions
- President's Message
- Programs and Courses
- Project Acceso Y Progreso
- Proyecto Exito
- Proyecto Puentes
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Social Justice Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statement of Philosophy & Rationale
- Steps to Transfer
- Student Activities
- Student Health Center
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Student Outreach
- Student Support Services
- Telephone Numbers
- Theatre
- Transcripts
- Transfer Center
- Transfer Information
- Transfer to an Independent California College or University
- Transfer to an Out-of-State College or University
- Transfer to Complete Your Bachelor’s Degree
- Transfer to the California State University (CSU)
- Transfer to the University of California (UC)
- Tutoring