Appendix XII
Appendix XII
Student Success and Support Program Rights and Responsibilities
The District shall provide Student Success and Support Program services that further equity in educational opportunities and academic success. The Student Success and Support Programs shall identify and close equity gaps affirming the District’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Each student, in entering an educational plan, will do all of the following:
- identify an education and career goal;
- identify a course of study;
- be assessed to determine appropriate course placement;
- complete orientation;
- participate in the development of the student educational plan;
- complete a student educational plan no later than the term after which the student completes 15 semester units of degree applicable credit coursework;
- diligently attend class and complete assigned coursework; and
- complete courses and maintain progress toward an educational goal
Student Success and Support Program services include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
- Orientation on a timely basis, information concerning college procedures, academic expectations, financial assistance, and any other appropriate matters
- Assessment and counseling upon enrollment, which shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
- Administration of assessment instruments to determine student competency in computational and language skills
- Assistance to students in the identification of aptitudes, interests, and educational objectives, including, but not limited to, associate of arts degrees, transfer for baccalaureate degrees, and vocational certificates and licenses
- Evaluation of student study and learning skills
- Referral to specialized support services as needed, including, but not limited to, federal, state, and local financial assistance; health services; mental health services; campus employment placement services; extended opportunity programs and services; campus child care services programs that teach English as a second language; and disabled student services
- Advisement concerning course selection
- Follow-up services and required advisement or counseling for students who are enrolled in learning skills courses, who have not declared an educational objective as required, or who are not in good academic standing.
The District shall not use any assessment instrument except one specifically authorized by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.