Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

EOPS / CARE students will understand the processes / resources necessary to achieve their educational goals. At-risk students will improve their G.P.A. by following their Academic Success Agreement.
EOPS was established in 1969 with the intent to encourage local community colleges to establish and implement programs directed at identifying low income and educationally disadvantaged students and increasing these numbers of students to be served by the colleges. At Oxnard College, the EOPS Program is designed to give EOPS eligible students the opportunities and assistance necessary to successfully complete their academic transfer and/or vocational program.
EOPS supplements the regular educational programs and encourages students to participate in other college programs and to maximize usage of their services. EOPS support services assist students in overcoming the many obstacles that a new environment, a new school, or a new setting can present.
How Can One Qualify For The EOPS Program And Services?
- Eligible to receive a California Community College Promise Grant (CCPG) A or B or C:
- CCPG A: Currently receiving TANF/CalWORKs or SSI
- CCPG B: Meet CCPG Income Guidelines
- CCPG C: Have an Estimated Family Contribution
- (EFC) of 0
- Full-time (12 units)
- California resident
- Less than 45 units of degree applicable credit
- Meet any one of the following educational criteria:
- Non-high school graduate
- High school GPA below 2.50
- Previously enrolled in remedial courses
- Placed in non-degree level Math course
- Placed in non-degree level English course
- First generation college student
- From non-English speaking family
- Member of an underrepresented group
Programs Under the Umbrella of EOPS
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a cooperative effort under the umbrella of EOPS involving the State Employment Development Department, State Department of Social Services, local county welfare departments and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. It is a special outreach and support effort targeted specifically to cash aid recipients.
The program provides services to EOPS eligible, single heads of households, with one child under the age of 18 that is receiving cash aid. CalWORKs students that meet CARE criteria may also be eligible for services. All CARE eligible students qualify for EOPS services as well.
How can one qualify for the CARE program and services?
- Must be enrolled in EOPS
- Single parent with at least one child under the age of 18
- Current Cash Aid/TANFs recipient
- Full time student (Minimum of 9 or more units)
- Pursuing an educational, vocational, or job training program
EOPS/CARE Services Provided
Counseling Services
- Academic/Personal counseling: Individual or Group
- Vocational decision making/Career Guidance
- CalWORKs Information
- Educational Plan development
- Transfer/Transitional services
- Study Skills, Time Management and Success Strategies
- Assistance with the financial aid process
- Retention for Students on Academic Probation
Financial Assistance 1 in the form of EOPS and/or CARE grants are offered to eligible students with financial need as determined by Title V guidelines.
Workshops are offered that facilitate student progress and academic achievement. Special emphasis is placed on career guidance and academic success.
Pre-registration is offered each semester prior to regular registration. This enables the EOPS student to register early, and secure needed classes before campus-wide enrollment.
Book Service1 is provided to EOPS eligible students and this assists with the cost of books.
Tutoring, Peer Advisement, College Success Class: EOPS-PG R100A, EOPS/CARE Orientations and Survival Kits are additional services provided to assist students in achieving their educational goals.
Transitional Services: EOPS Students are eligible to receive CSU/UC Application Fee Waivers when applying to Transfer. In addition, our EOPS Counselors are able to provide detailed letters of recommendations upon timely requests.
Other Services: In addition, CARE eligible students receive additional services in the form of gas cards, parking permits, books, Student Photo ID Cards and meal coupons.
1Funding does not cover the full cost for books needed. Any monetary service is dependent on funding availability each year. In order to be eligible for CARE services and receive funds, students must be in good standing status.
For information and appointments, call (805) 678-5827 or visit the EOPS/CARE office upon enrollment. EOPS/CARE is located on the 2nd floor in the Student Services Building in Room 254.