
Geology is an exciting and challenging major for students with broad scientific interests and a love for natural systems, our environment, and our planet’s history. Geology is a multidisciplinary science that applies chemistry, biology, physics, oceanography, mathematics, and engineering to the natural world around us. The rich variety of its fields of study includes oceanography, paleontology, geophysics, hydrogeology, geochemistry, engineering geology, environmental geology and more. Geology majors apply their skills and knowledge to solve complex problems related to human interaction with natural systems, hazards and resources, and to communicate these solutions and options to the public.
This course is a survey of the Earth and the processes that shape it. The course offers an overview of earthquakes, volcanism, plate tectonics, mountain building, weathering, erosion, soil, origin of minerals and rocks, and water and energy resources.
This course is the laboratory to accompany GEOL R101. Topics include identification and interpretation of geologic features, interpretation of topographic maps and aerial photographs, identification of rocks and minerals.
This course is a broad survey of the field of oceanography. Topics include geology and geography of the ocean basins and coastlines, plate tectonics, waves, currents, tides, properties of seawater, methods of oceanographic exploration, and an introduction to Marine Biology.
This course is the laboratory to accompany GEOL R103. Topics include introduction to ocean/atmosphere relationships, interpretation of bathymetric maps, applied methods of measurement, and descriptive analysis of the physical ocean, including beaches, ocean currents, waves, and water properties.
This course is an introduction to the history of the earth and its evolution including the surface environments, atmosphere, oceans, and life. Relationships among rocks and fossils are studied to reconstruct the geological and biological evolution of the earth for the last four-and-one-half-billion years.
This course provides hands-on experience identifying fossils, minerals, and rocks. The course introduces geologic time, relative age relations in rocks, construction of paleogeographic maps, interpretation of geologic maps and cross sections, and fossil evidence of evolutionary trends throughout geologic time.
This course is a broad introduction to the essentials of Earth Science designed for future educators including teaching techniques to engage students in science. Topics covered in this course include the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and solar system. This course focuses on the interactions between physical and chemical systems of the Earth such as the tectonic cycle, rock cycle, hydrologic cycle, weather, and climate. The laboratory component includes study of rocks, maps, scientific instruments, earthquakes, and local geologic features.
Environmental Geology is a study of the interaction of humans and the Earth, with emphasis on geologic hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, and flooding; resources such as energy, water, and minerals; disposal of wastes, pollution, and global warming. This course emphasizes the Earth systems and connections between the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.
This field course is an introduction to topics in marine geology related to current resource management issues in this region. Trips to areas where geological, biological, and oceanographic resources can be observed will be combined with related information about resource management and the requirements and applications of federal, state, and local laws and regulations related to marine resource management.