Noncredit Programs and Courses
Noncredit Programs and Courses
QuickBooks is a complete computerized accounting system for small businesses. Topics include a review of basic accounting concepts, preparation of business reports and graphs, and the creation of a company using QuickBooks accounting. This course also covers creation and operation of a detailed accounting system for new and existing businesses.
QuickBooks is a complete computerized accounting system for small businesses. This advanced course covers planning and budgeting, progress billing, file importing and exporting, and creating reports and graphs.
Automotive Body and Fender Repair
This course covers the fundamentals of auto body repair including metal inert gas (MIG) welding, oxy-acetylene welding, metal finishing, use of body fillers, sanding, masking, and priming.
This course teaches students advanced auto body repair techniques using various materials such as steel, aluminum and plastics. Students are also taught special priming methods.
This course is designed to prepare students with the necessary skills in writing estimates or accident reports for non-structural refinishing and repair of automobile damage.
This is an advanced course in the techniques of repairing heavy damage to the automobile body and chassis; emphasis will be on automobile frame straightening, structure damage repairs, and advanced welding. The student’s auto body projects will be in the scope of complete automotive wrecks.
This course is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the automotive refinishing industry by providing training in painting fundamentals. Topics to be covered include a history of the industry, shop safety, shop equipment and layout, required tools and materials, and surface preparation techniques.
This course continues training in automotive painting and refinishing. Topics to be covered include application of undercoats and topcoats, spot repair procedures, paint job procedures, paint problems, and procedures for securing employment in the field.
This is an introductory course that gives a comprehensive overview of automotive graphics including preparation and layout of pinstriping, touch-up, lettering, and murals. This course also includes graphics for commercial trucks and boats.
This course provides instruction in advanced level automotive graphics design including color selection, paint mixing, customized murals, advanced commercial lettering applications, advanced outlines and shadowing, advanced pinstriping, and customized quills.
Business of Cannabis
This class is an introduction to cannabis across history, culture and industry. The course covers topics ranging from cultivation to retail and botany to business practices. Topics will include the history of cannabis as an alternative medicine and the legal history of cannabis in both the US and abroad. The course will include political aspects, describing the evolution of cannabis in ancient and modern society. In addition to discussing the the phytocannabinoid and endocannabinoid systems in the human body and how they are influenced by cannabis use. The class will also examine the agriculture and cultivation operations in cannabis and introduce students to the evolution of the enterprise side of the cannabis industry.
This course provides a basic understanding of how businesses have evolved and changed to meet industry trends from seed-to-sale. Students will benefit from the course’s regional focus, with an overview of the cannabis industry in California and the state’s track-and-trace system for cannabis products from plants to consumers’ hands. Topics covered in the course include the fundamentals and importance of proper cultivation including industry standards for processing, extraction and manufacturing cannabis. The class will discuss significance of appropriate lab set up, protocols, testing and analytics, among other topics. These topics will all be discussed with an emphases on business ethics.
This course provides basic knowledge regarding sector-specific legal regulations in areas such as real estate, regulatory compliance, marketing, sales and human resources. Topics will include regulatory compliance, marketing and proper selling in the cannabis industry. The class will also discuss the legal aspects of human resources within the cannabis industry.
Business Information Worker
This course provides instruction and practical applications in current office techniques. Students will learn about the workplace environment, communication skills, business English, soft skills, ethics, customer focus, team work, technology basics, workforce behaviors, business correspondence, meetings and travel, and job search among other related topics essential for employment in office positions.
This course is for the beginning student and provides instruction and development of fundamental skills in the operation of the keyboard including letter, number, symbol, special keys, and the numeric keypad.
This course is designed to improve speed and accuracy in using the keyboard through development of proper technique, assessment of keyboarding deficiencies, and through individual practice to improve keyboarding deficiencies. It is for students who know the keyboard by touch but need more work on speed and/or accuracy. Drills for speed development and accuracy will be self-paced.
This course is designed for those with little or no computer experience. Learners practice file management, email, instant messaging, Internet browsing and searching. This course includes a brief introduction to industry standard Microsoft Office (word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation) application programs. Computer terminology and identification of fundamental hardware and software applications is introduced.
This course introduces personal management software and use of Microsoft Outlook functions. Topics include management of e-mail, organization of contacts, creation and scheduling of events using the calendar, and creating and managing tasks for personal and business use. Customization of Outlook features is also covered.
This course is designed to provide the learner with basic to intermediate level of understanding of word processing with Microsoft Word including basic document creation, formatting, and editing using Microsoft Word. Learners create, edit, and format business letters, multiple-page reports, newsletters, and cover letters. This course prepares the student for the Microsoft Office User certification exam for Word.
This course is designed to provide the learner with a basic to intermediate understanding of Microsoft Excel beginning with spreadsheet design, creation, revision, formatting, and printing a workbook. Formulas, functions, and syntax are introduced along with an introduction to using charts and graphs. Problem solving for Excel solutions is also emphasized. This course prepares the student for the Microsoft Office User Certification exam for Excel.
This course provides the learner with experience planning, creating, editing, viewing, print and run professional PowerPoint presentations. Included is the opportunity to add and modify both text and graphics; insert and modify information graphics and multimedia; apply, modify, and create master pages; and to apply, modify, and create templates. Integration with other Microsoft programs is included.
This course is designed to assist students who are transitioning to Oxnard College Campus by offering strategies to increase their academic success. This course will focus on college readiness, educational planning, information about academic counseling, transferring to a four-year institution, vocational programs, study skills, college activities and clubs, student services, basic survival hints and resources. This course will be discussing the service and polices of on campus support programs such as CalWORKs, EOPS/CARE, EAC, Financial Aid, etc. This class is an open entry, open exit. This is a noncredit course. Does not apply to Associate Degree.
This is a free course designed to offer students crucial workplace readiness skills. Students will have the opportunity to learn effective job searching strategies and critical employability skills necessary to secure and maintain employment. Topics covered include assessment of unique personality and strengths, career research, goal setting, effective resume and cover letter writing, networking and interviewing techniques, and various behavioral and interpersonal skills related to workplace satisfaction.
This course will provide students with the understanding of non-cognitive factors that contribute to the status of being placed on academic notice. Students will develop a strategic plan to overcome these issues through the utilization of emotional intelligence. Students will use skill building exercises, lecture and group discussion to identify barriers to their academic success as well as to overcome stress and negativity. Students will explore tools, techniques, and skills to perform their role and utilize effective problem solving skills with confidence.
This course will provide students with the ability to deal effectively with their emotions and self-perceptions that are critical to their success and inspire high performance as students, employees, and in relationships with others. Students will (learn) the definition and the five key components of emotional intelligence through skill-building exercises, lectures, and group discussions. Students will have opportunities to identify their own strengths and challenges in maintaining positive environments and collaborative relationships along with strategies for overcoming stress and negativity. Students will explore tools, techniques, and skills to help them perform their role and manage their emotions with confidence and positive results.
Emergency Medical Technician
English as a Second Language
This course focuses on speaking and listening skills designed for beginning non-native speakers of English. Activities include role playing, dialogues, pronunciation practice, and class discussions.
This course provides instruction in reading and writing skills for non-native speakers of English who are at the entry-level of English language acquisition. Course content includes reading comprehension, vocabulary development, basic grammar and sentence writing.
This course is designed for non-native speakers of English at a high-beginning to low-intermediate level. The course provides listening and speaking practice used in conversational patterns and academic settings. The course also includes grammar points, vocabulary, note-taking, and pronunciation to develop language proficiency and build academic skills. The course emphasizes developing confidence in expressing oneself in English.
This is a low-intermediate level reading and writing course for students learning English as a second language and native English speakers who need to develop basic reading and writing skills. Topics included are comprehension skills, critical thinking, vocabulary development, and study skills integrated with grammar and sentence-level writing for academic and real-life situations.
This course is intended for intermediate level non-native English speakers who are able to hold a conversation in English. The course helps ESL students communicate more effectively in academic, professional, and social settings, and to adequately document oral presentations. Students will also develop listening, note-taking, and speaking skills for success in the college courses. The course provides review of grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.
This course provides intermediate level ESL students instruction in basic academic reading and writing skills. Topics include understanding main idea and supporting details, literal and inferential comprehension, grammar and sentence skills, vocabulary development, study skills and basic use of library resources and the college's course management system.
This course is intended for high-intermediate to advanced level English learners who are able to hold a conversation in English on specific topics. The course will prepare ESL students to communicate more effectively in academic, professional, and social settings, and to adequately document and deliver oral presentations. Students will also develop listening comprehension, note-taking, class participation and discussion skills, and communication strategies for success in the college environment. The course provides review of high-intermediate to advanced grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.
This course is designed for the high-intermediate to low-advanced ESL learner desiring instruction in the fundamental skills of academic reading and writing. Writing topics include compound and complex sentences, verb tenses, and punctuation applied to academic writing. Reading topics include identifying main idea in paragraphs and longer passages, vocabulary development, use of context, literal and inferential comprehension, and recognizing basic patterns of organization. Study skills include note-taking, text annotating, scanning for information, study-reading techniques, and navigation of college's learning management system.
This course is intended for advanced level English learners who are able to hold a conversation in English on specific topics. The course will prepare ESL students to communicate more effectively in professional, academic, and social settings, and to adequately document and deliver oral presentations both in the workplace and in a classroom setting. Students will also develop listening comprehension, job interview, note-taking, and communication strategies for success in the college and workplace environment. The course provides review of advanced grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.
The course is designed to help non-native speakers of English prepare for U.S. Citizenship. Students receive direct instruction in oral/aural and written literacy skills in English necessary to pass an oral and written test with an Immigration and Naturalization Service official.
Pro Tools is the industry standard software for audio recording, mixing, and editing. This course is the first of a 2-part non-credit series that will award an industry recognized credential for both academic users and industry professionals, the Avid Certified User: Pro Tools. This course introduces fundamental Pro Tools concepts and principles, covering everything an individual needs to know to complete a basic Pro Tools project, from initial setup to final mixdown.
Pro Tools is the industry standard software for audio recording, mixing, and editing. This course is the second of a 2-part non-credit sequence that will award an industry recognized credential for both academic users and industry professionals, the Avid Certified User: Pro Tools. This course expands upon the basic principles taught in the Pro Tools Fundamentals I (MUS R801) course and introduces the core concepts and techniques students need to competently operate a Pro Tools system running mid-sized sessions. Students will learn to build sessions designed for commercial purposes and improve the results of their recording, editing, and mixing efforts.
This course, designed for students who will be working as tutors, introduces methods and best practices for tutoring individuals and groups. Students will examine learning theories and instructional pedagogies. This course offers students the opportunity for the application of learned skills and techniques to tutoring sessions.
This open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course provides student assistance in understanding college course assignments. This course offers students the opportunity for individualized and group activities designed to promote academic success in the classroom setting. Includes learning style assessment and follow‐up, study skills workshops, group tutorials activities and assignments for individualized tutoring support. This is a noncredit course. Does not apply to Associate Degree.
Certificate of Completion
- Auto Body Painting and Refinishing, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- Automotive Body and Fender Repair, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- Automotive Graphics, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- Business Information Worker Quick Start, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- Business of Cannabis, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- Emergency Medical Technician, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
- QuickBooks, Certificate of Completion Noncredit
Certificate of Competency
- English as a Second Language - Level 1, Certificate of Competency Noncredit
- English as a Second Language - Level 2, Certificate of Competency Noncredit
- English as a Second Language - Level 3, Certificate of Competency Noncredit
- English as a Second Language - Level 4, Certificate of Competency Noncredit