Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition and Dietetics

The Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer (AS-T) involves the understanding of nutrient metabolism and the relationship to optimal health including prevention of degenerative diseases. The course of study provides an integrated curriculum of nutrition coursework along with a solid background in the human body, chemical function and metabolism of nutrients, and the sociological implications of food and behavior. Throughout the degree students will acquire and develop knowledge and skills that will provide a solid background in nutrition so that students can make informed decisions on their personal health.
This course examines scientific concepts of nutrition related to the function of nutrients within the human body, nutrient requirements throughout the life cycle, and individual nutritional needs. Students will learn how to analyze and evaluate nutritional information and apply this information and dietary guidelines to their personal food choices. In addition, the course will explore current issues in nutrition including food safety, environmental contaminants, food technology, and food additives.