Use of Technology
Use of Technology
Use of Listening or Recording Devices
State law in California prohibits the use by anyone in a classroom of any electronic listening or recording device without prior consent of the instructor and school administration. Any student who has need to use electronic aids must secure the consent of the instructor. Students who need to use recording devices as an authorized disability accommodation must receive verification through campus Educational Assistance Center and must provide this verification to the instructor prior to use.
Use of the Internet
Purpose of the Internet
The Internet access provided by Ventura College is to be used to support the instructional process of students who are actively enrolled in a designated course. Non-educational, recreational and commercial uses of the Internet are prohibited on the Ventura College network.
Rules for Using the Internet
Each student is responsible for ensuring that he or she uses the College provided Internet access in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. To this end, students must comply with the following rules:
- Observe the guidelines for acceptable use of networks or services;
- Only attempt to gain access to resources for which he or she has authorization. Ventura College will not assume financial responsibility for unauthorized Internet-related expenditures;
- Do not make harassing or defamatory remarks using the Internet;
- Do not create a personal link to any Ventura College page, and do not represent Ventura College on any personal page;
- Do not install any software;
- Do not use any unapproved software;
- Do not violate any federal or state law, including copyright laws;
- Download data from the Internet onto personal data storage units—any data found on a College-owned hard drive will be deleted;
- Do not create any social networking page on behalf of Ventura College or claiming to represent Ventura College
Privacy on the Internet
Please be aware that any electronic mail is not private since classes will be sharing a mailbox, and that the College reserves the right to access any such information on College-owned servers.
Responsibility for the Information on the Internet
Through the Internet, the College provides access to public and private outside networks which furnish electronic mail, information services, bulletin boards, conferences, etc. Please be advised that the College does not assume responsibility for the contents of any of these outside networks.
Obscene Material
District information resources should not be used for knowingly viewing, downloading, transmitting, or otherwise engaging in any communication which contains obscene, indecent, profane, lewd, or lascivious material or other material which explicitly or implicitly refers to sexual conduct. This policy does not prohibit the use of appropriate material for educational purposes, nor limit academic freedom. However, knowingly displaying sexually explicit or sexually harassing images or text in a private and/or public computer facility or location that can potentially be in view of other individuals is prohibited.