Enrollment fees are set by the State of California. They are subject to change without notice and may be retroactive. All other fees are set by the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees and are subject to change by board action. Payment of all fees is the responsibility of the student.
All fees are due and payable immediately upon registration. You will not be automatically dropped from classes for not paying fees or tuition. It is your responsibility to drop classes you do not intend to complete. You must drop the course by the deadline to receive a full refund. You are financially responsible for all attempted units after the course refund deadline.
Enrollment Fee:
$46.00 per unit
$23.00 per 1/2 unit
$11.50 per 1/4 unit
Upper Division Enrollment Fee (additional for specific baccalaureate course only)
$84.00 per unit
Health Fee (mandatory)1
$26.00 fall/spring
$22.00 summer
Nonresident Tuition: Non-California Resident and International students
$397.00 per unit
International and Nonresident Domestic Student Capital Outlay Surcharge
$15.00 per unit
International Student Application Processing Fee
Materials Fees
see Instructional Material Fee
Student Center Fee
$2.00 per unit (maximum of $10 per fiscal year)
Student Activities Fee (optional)2
$7.00 per term
Student Representation Fee (optional)3
$2.00 per term
Credit by Exam Fee
$46.00 per unit
Audit Fee (non-refundable):4
Students enrolled in 10 or more credit units
no charge
Students enrolled in fewer than 10 credit units
$15.00 per unit
Replacement Student Photo ID card (optional)5
$6.00 per semester
$10 per year
The health fee enables the College to provide students with a variety of health care services. In accordance with the California Education Code and Board policy, students are required to pay the health fee, regardless of the units taken, unless they meet one of the exemptions. See Health Fees section of the catalog for more information. Waiver forms are available at the Health Center and Admissions and Records Office.
This optional Student Activities Fee is collected at the time of registration. This fee provides support to student life activities, events, and programs sponsored by the Associated Students of Ventura College, campus student organizations, and departments including the Student Activities Office. The Student Activities Fee is authorized by Education Code 70902(b)9, and approved by the VCCCD Board of Trustees April 2015. This fee may be waived for religious, political, financial or moral reasons. Waiver forms are available at the Student Business Office.
The student representation fee, of $2 per semester, provides support for students or representatives, including Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC), who share positions and viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices and agencies of the state and federal governments. This fee may be waived during registration.
Note: auditing students also pay the health fee.
Note: year ends last day of summer session.
Students who owe outstanding fees may not register until those fees are paid and the hold on the student account has been removed by the Student Business Office.
There is a $10 fee for each returned check, credit card, or debit card payment.
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018
VA beneficiaries who provide a certificate of eligibility or valid VAF 28-1905 for the current term will not be dropped for nonpayment.
Textbooks and Supplies
By state law, the College is prohibited from furnishing free textbooks or supplies to students. However, some courses do offer zero cost textbook options. Required course items may be purchased in the College Bookstore. Save Your Receipts! No Refunds After Late Registration! Textbook information is available on the Ventura College website.
Financial Aid Students
Students who receive financial assistance pursuant to any of the programs described in subsection of Education Code §72252(g) shall be exempt from parking fees in excess of thirty dollars ($30) per semester for one vehicle.
California Residents
California residents must pay the mandated enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, student representation fee and applicable course materials fees. California residents and AB 540/Dream Act eligible students meeting certain criteria may be eligible for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) or other financial aid. See additional California College Promise Grant information and contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.
Non-California Residents
Residents of states other than California must pay nonresident tuition and the nonresident student surcharge, as well as the enrollment fee, health fee, student center fee, student representation fee, and applicable material fees. Students are classified as a nonresident if they have lived in California for less than one year and one day prior to the first day of the semester, or are unable to present sufficient documentation to prove they have established California residency. See page 13, California Residents for more information.
International Students
International students must pay enrollment fees, health fee, nonresident tuition, student center fee, student representation fee, and applicable materials fees, the International student surcharge and an application processing fee of $50 that covers the cost of federally mandated documentation. The surcharge and the application processing fee may be waived if the student meets one of the following exemptions as listed pursuant to Education Code §76141 and §76142:
Student must demonstrate economic hardship; or
Student must be a victim of persecution in the country in which the student is a resident.
Payment of Fees
Payment of fees is the responsibility of the student. All fees are due and payable upon registration. Fees are incurred at the student's action of registering for classes. It is the student's obligation to check their class schedule to be sure they are enrolled in or dropped from classes appropriately. The student is responsible for any fees incurred for classes that were not dropped by the posted refund deadline for the class.
Students must:
pay all fees (including any past term fees); or
enroll in a payment plan; or
have been awarded financial aid; or
have a Ventura College Promise (VC Promise) award; or
have a Veterans Promise award; or
be sponsored by a third-party agency (Veterans, etc.).
In compliance with the Veteran's Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, VA beneficiaries who provide a certificate of eligibility or valid VAF 28-1905 for the current term will not be dropped for non payment.
Health Fee
This fee enables the College to provide students with a variety of health care services. In accordance with the California Education Code and Board Policy (BP 5030), students are required to pay the health fee, regardless of the units taken, unless they meet one of the exemptions listed:
students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization. Documentary evidence of such an affiliation is required;
students attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship training program (see Education Code §76355);
high school students enrolled in a course under a CCAP agreement. (High school students who are also enrolled at the college in a course that is not under a CCAP agreement would not be eligible for the exemption);
Dual Enrollment high school students enrolled in a non-CCAP courses held on at the high school campus. (High school students who are also enrolled at the college in a course that is not under a CCAP agreement would not be eligible for the exemption).
Health fee waiver forms are located in the Admissions and Records Office.
Instructional Materials Fee
(Where Appropriate):
Instructional material fees for certain selected credit or noncredit courses may be required at the time of registration, or the materials may be purchased on your own. If an Instructional Materials Fee is required, the amount of the fee is listed beneath the course title in the schedule of classes. Authority for the charge is granted under VCCCD Board Policy 5030. These instructional or other materials fees apply if:
the instructional and other materials required for the course have a continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting, or
the instructional and other materials are used in the production of an “end product” that has continuing value to the student outside the classroom setting. See course schedule for instructional material fee costs or on the College website.
Student Center Fee
Students of Ventura College enacted a Student Center fee of $1.00 per unit, up to a maximum of $10.00 per student per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), for the purpose of financing, constructing, expanding, remodeling, refurbishing and operating a Student Center. The money collected may only be used for this purpose. The fee shall not be charged to:
a student enrolled in noncredit courses;
a student who is a recipient of benefits under Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program; a student on the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI/SSP); or
a student on a General Assistance Program.
Transcript Requests and Fees
Official transcripts are ordered online either through the my.vcccd.edu student portal or on the transcript information page on the Ventura College website. Students may order up to two electronic transcripts online free of charge. Costs for transcripts vary based upon the delivery method chosen. Consult the college website at for up-to-date information before you request transcripts.
*Consult the college website at venturacollege.edu for current pricing of the additional delivery fee and for up to date information about requesting your transcripts.
Students must present valid photo ID to receive transcripts.
No cost unofficial transcripts can be printed at My.VCCCD.edu.
Payment methods include cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards. Contact the Student Business Office for credit card payments.
Ventura College Student ID Card
No charge for the initial student photo ID. A purchase of a Ventura College Student ID entitles students to check out library books, gain free admission to home conference athletic events, reduced rates to dramas, plays, various associated student-sponsored events, discounts from local merchants, and access to free public transportation.
Student Parking
Parking permits are required when classes are in session for all vehicles, including those with handicapped parking permits and for those attending athletic, theater, dance, music, and other college events.
Daily parking permits may be purchased for $3 from parking lot permit dispensers.
All vehicles must park within a marked stall (CVC 21113a).
Head-in parking is required in all diagonal stalls on campus.
Ventura County Community College District is not responsible for any theft or loss of property while utilizing parking facilities.
Students with a Department of Motor Vehicles disabled person’s plate or placard, or with a current disabled parking decal issued by the Educational Assistance Center (EAC), may park in marked disabled stalls on campus. Drivers with disabilities are subject to the same parking fees as nondisabled drivers. Disabled parking decals may be obtained at the EAC.
Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated handicapped spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates for physically disabled persons will be cited and may be towed away at owner’s expense (CVC 22652). Information regarding towed vehicles is available by visiting the Campus Police office located at 71 Day Road, or by calling (805) 289-6486.
Parking Fees
All students parking a vehicle on the campus must pay the parking fees listed below, regardless of the number of units for which they are enrolled.
There will be a strict enforcement of parking regulations requiring students to have parking permits the first day of the term. There is no "grace period" for obtaining your permit. Semester permits are purchased online through the student portal: https://my.vcccd.edu. Permits will be delivered by mail to the address provided at the time of purchase.
Parking fees are subject to change at the discretion of the VCCCD Board of Trustees.
VC-Parking Fees
Vehicle Type
regular sem. / summer sem.
$64 / $32
California College Promise Grant Waiver students
regular sem. / summer sem.
$30 / $25
regular sem. / summer sem.
$40 / $15
Single Day
Purchasing Semester Permits
Semester permits are purchased on-line through the student portal: my.vcccd.edu. Permits will be delivered by mail to the address provided at the time of purchase. Day use passes are $3 and can be purchased at machines located in several parking lots throughout the campus. Student semester parking permits are valid only in student lots and can be used on all three campuses. Parking is strictly enforced Monday through Thursday, 7:00am to 11:00pm, and Friday, 7:00am to 5:00pm. Auto permits are static vinyl material and must be affixed to the inside lower-left corner of the front windshield. Motorcycle permits are adhesive and must be affixed to the front fork of the motorcycle. (The auto permits are transferable; if the permit will no longer cling to the window, simply wash with a mild detergent and rinse, then try re-affixing to a clean windshield.)