Appendix XXIV

Appendix XXIV

Workplace Violence Plan


The District is committed to providing a safe work environment that is free of violence and the threat of violence.


Prevention activities increase awareness and minimize the potential for crisis in the workplace. Training is essential for all staff to learn how to recognize early warning signs, so that appropriate intervention can be provided for identified areas of conflict in the workplace.

Crisis or conflict constitutes any inappropriate or unreasonable disruption that interferes with the normal functioning of your work.

Acts of violence include any physical action, whether intentional or reckless, that harms or threatens the safety of self, another individual or property.

A threat of violence includes any behavior that by its very nature could be interpreted by a reasonable person as intent to cause physical harm to self, another individual or property.

Workplace includes off-campus locations as well as college-sponsored activities where faculty, staff, or student employees are engaged in college business or locations where incidents occur as a result of the person's relationship to the college community.


Any employee shall immediately report any situation that threatens life or property and demands an immediate response of police, fire, or medical personnel by first dialing 911 and then notifying Ventura County Community College Campus Police.

Equipment and Sanitation 

Should the duties of an employee require the use of equipment to ensure the safety of the employee, the District shall furnish such equipment. Complaints related to health safety, sanitation and working conditions shall be forwarded to Risk Manager for review and recommendation.

Crisis and Conflict Intervention 

Any employee experiencing an unsafe work condition should immediately contact his/her supervisor or the Risk Manager. The supervisor shall immediately notify the Ventura County Community College Campus Police about any acts or threats of violence. The employee will be provided consultation regarding resources available to resolve the unsafe work condition.

Responding to Threats of Violence

The top priority in this process is effectively handling critical workplace incidents, especially those dealing with actual or potential violence.

Violence or the threat of violence against or by any employee of the District or any other person is unacceptable.

Should a non-employee on District property demonstrate or threaten violent behavior, they may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Should an employee, during working hours, demonstrate or threaten violent behavior, an investigation will be initiated and they may be subject to criminal prosecution and disciplinary action. Individuals will be notified of progress and/or outcomes of the investigation as appropriate.

The following actions are considered violent acts:

  • Striking, punching, slapping or assaulting another person.
  • Fighting or challenging another person to fight.
  • Grabbing, pinching or touching another person in an unwanted way whether sexually or otherwise.
  • Engaging in dangerous, threatening or unwanted horseplay.
  • Possession, use, or threat of use, of a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object, including but not limited to any facsimile firearm, knife or explosive, on District property, including parking lots, other exterior premises, District vehicles, or while engaged in activities for the District in other locations, unless such possession or use is a requirement of the job.
  • Threatening harm or harming another person, or any other action or conduct that implies the threat of bodily harm.
  • Bringing or possessing any dirk, dagger, ice pick, or knife having a fixed blade longer than 2½ inches upon the grounds, unless the person is authorized to possess such a weapon in the course of their employment, has been authorized by a District employee to have the knife, or is a duly appointed peace officer who is engaged in the performance of their duties.
  • Persistent defiance of authority, or persistent abuse of, college personnel by exhibiting disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, profanity, vulgarity, lewdness, or other offensive conduct.
  • Or any other use of force or threat of violence.

Any employee who is the victim of any violent threatening or harassing conduct, any witness to such conduct, or anyone receiving a report of such conduct, whether the perpetrator is a District employee or a non-employee, shall immediately report the incident to their supervisor or other appropriate person, such as:

  • Title IX Coordinator
  • College Police or Other Law Enforcement (911)
  • Vice President, Instruction
  • Vice President, Student Services
  • Human Resources Officer

It is the responsibility of all employees immediately to report threats, acts of violence or any other behavior which deliberately hurts or harms another person at the college to their immediate supervisor and Ventura County Community College Campus Police. Such reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.

No one, acting in good faith, who initiates a complaint or reports an incident under this policy will be subject to retaliation or harassment.

Any employee reported to be a perpetrator will be provided both due process and allowed the opportunity for representation before disciplinary action is taken.

In the event the District fears for the safety of the perpetrator or the safety of others at the scene of the violent act, College Police or 911 will be called.