Choose An Educational Goal
Choose An Educational Goal
Choose an Educational Goal
Which Educational Program is the Right Fit For You?
The information below shows the different opportunities available at Ventura College to prepare you for your chosen career and the type of recognition you will receive for completing these programs. Schedule an appointment with a counselor to help you choose your specific educational goals.
Transfer to a Four-Year Institution

Ventura College offers students the opportunity to complete their associate degree while completing courses that are required for transfer and apply toward their bachelor’s degree, whether that is a University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), or an independent or out-of-state institution.
Associate Degree for Transfer—Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T)

California Community Colleges (CCC) are now offering Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) to the California State University (CSU). These include Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) degrees. These degrees are designed to provide students with a clear pathway to a CSU major and baccalaureate degree by completing 60 CSU transferable semester units at the community college and 60 additional units at the CSU campus granting the bachelor's degree. Ventura College currently offers over 30 ADTs. Please meet with a college counselor to see if one of these ADTs is appropriate for you and meets your transfer educational goal.
Associate in Science for University of California (UC) Transfer Pathways (AS-UCTP)

The University of California (UC) has developed associate degree patterns that align with UC Transfer Pathways (UCTP). In the future, these degrees will be awarded to students who successfully complete a UC Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) along with the required major and general education requirements. The University of California has created degree patterns in Physics and Chemistry, and patterns in other disciplines are in development. Note that Ventura College does not currently offer this type of degree but is in the process of creating them; there is no assurance that these will become available during the next two years. Students may nevertheless use Ventura College courses to satisfy UC transfer requirements; see a college counselor for details.
Associate Degree—Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS)

In any economy, it is advantageous to have a college degree. Most associate degree majors at Ventura College are applicable to the local job market. An Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) degree requires the completion of 60 degree-applicable semester units, including courses in general education and courses in the chosen major. The college also offers a General Studies associate degree that allows students to choose an area of emphasis from a group of related disciplines rather than a specific major.
See a complete list of requirements for earning an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree.
Certificate of Achievement (COA)
A Certificate of Achievement requires concentrated study in specific skill or knowledge areas. A certificate of achievement requires more units and generally provides more in-depth study than a Proficiency Award. Completion of a Certificate of Achievement is reflected on the student’s transcript and makes a student eligible to participate in the spring graduation ceremony.
See a complete list of requirements for earning a Certificate of Achievement.
Proficiency Award (PA)
A Proficiency Award is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a course or a sequence of courses designed to lead them to specific employment types or enhance their skills. These awards are not recorded on the student's transcript and do not make a student eligible to participate in the spring graduation ceremony.
See a complete list of requirements for earning a Proficiency Award.
Certificate of Competency (Noncredit)
A noncredit Certificate of Competency is awarded to students who have demonstrated achievement in a set of competencies that prepares them to progress in a career path or to take nondegree-applicable or degree-applicable credit courses. Students completing a Certificate of Competency will receive a document that includes the name of the certificate, the date it was awarded, a standardized code number and discipline name identifying the area of study, and a list of the relevant competencies that the student has achieved. Some or all of this information may also be recorded on a special noncredit transcript.
See a complete list of requirements for earning a Certificate of Competency.
Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)
A noncredit Certificate of Completion is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a sequence of noncredit courses designed to improve employability or job opportunities. Students completing a Certificate of Completion will receive a document that includes the name of the certificate, the date it was awarded, a standardized code number and discipline name identifying the area of study, a statement of the goal of the program, and a list of courses completed by the student. Some or all of this information may also be recorded on a special noncredit transcript.
See a complete list of requirements for earning a Certificate of Completion.