Military Credit and Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
Military Credit and Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
I. Credit for Military Service/Training
Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning using Joint Service Transcripts shall receive credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by the appropriate discipline faculty of a District College under the following circumstances:
- The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition.
- Official transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office. These may include Joint Services Transcript (JST), Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART), Army and American Council on Education Registry Transcript Service (AARTS), Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), Coast Guard Institute (CGI), DANTES/USAFI, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) Transcripts, Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), DLPT Examinee Results, DA Form 330 Language Proficiency Questionnaire, or verified copies of DD214 or DD295 military records.
- Credit course equivalency shall be determined by the faculty of the appropriate discipline.
II. Credit for Basic Training
Students who submit evidence of completion of Basic Military Training on a DD 214 or DD 295, whether they were in active service or in the National Guard or Reserves, will have fulfilled local health education and kinesiology activity graduation requirements and will have satisfied the CSU GE- Breadth area E requirement.
Students will be awarded units according to current ACE recommendations:
- Army recruits will receive a total of 6 semester units
- Navy recruits will receive a total of 9 semester units
- Marine Corps – Basic Infantry recruits will receive 8 semester units
- Air Force recruits will receive a total of 4 semester units
- Coast Guard recruits will receive a total of 8 semester units
Health and Kinesiology discipline faculty will determine which specific courses to assign as equivalent for the transcript. Faculty will choose courses that provide credit toward CSU GE-Breadth area E and:
A minimum of 2 units of HED
A minimum of 1 unit of PE/Kinesiology
Discipline faculty will assign either specific course or elective credit for any remaining units to meet the minimum totals recommended by ACE above.
III. Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) may be used in CSU GE Breadth Subarea C2 (3 lower division semester hours = 3 semester units) per American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. Credit evaluators should refer to the ACE National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training for test scores and credit recommendations.
Reference: AP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning, 2024; CSU Systemwide Credit for External Examinations (PolicyStat ID 14685671), Jan. 2024.