Associate Degree in General Studies Pattern I
Associate Degree in General Studies Pattern I
Associate Degree in General Studies Pattern I
About the Associate in Arts (AA) Degree in General Studies Pattern I
This pattern provides an opportunity to earn an Associate in Arts (AA) in General Studies. Each area of emphasis within this pattern covers a broad area of study and is intended for students who may not be planning to transfer to a four-year university or who may need to explore possibilities before committing themselves to a major.
Requirements for the Associate in Arts (AA) Degree in General Studies Pattern I

- Choose an area of emphasis from one of four Ventura College area-of-emphasis lists below and complete the courses required for that area of emphasis (a minimum of 18 semester units of degree-applicable college credit coursework). Courses for the area of emphasis must be completed with a grade of "C" or better or “P” if the course is taken on a “pass-no pass” basis (Title 5 § 55063). Even though a “P” is allowed, it is recommended that students complete all coursework in the area of emphasis for a letter grade ("A," "B," or "C"). At least 6 units of the 18 units required for the area of emphasis must be completed within a single discipline.
Note: Universities have limitations on the number of units that may be taken on a “pass-no pass" basis and therefore it is strongly recommended that students take all coursework in the area of emphasis for a letter grade. Most universities also have limitations on the number of general education units that may be completed on a "pass/no pass" basis. - Complete Ventura College’s General Education requirements (areas A through F)
- Natural Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Biological Science: one (1) course
- Physical Science: one (1) course
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- American History and Institutions: one (1) course
- Social and Behavioral Sciences: one (1) course
- Humanities (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Fine Arts / Performing Arts: one (1) course
- Humanities: one (1) course
- Language and Rationality (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- English Composition: one (1) course
- Communication and Analytical Thinking: one (1) course
- Health and Kinesiology (no unit minimum)
- Health Education: one (1) course
- Kinesiology, Intercollegiate Athletics, or Dance activity: one (1) activity course
- Ethnic/Gender Studies (a minimum of 3 semester units)
- Ethnic/Gender Studies: one (1) course
- Natural Sciences (a minimum of 6 semester units)
- Satisfactorily complete at least 60 semester units of degree-applicable college coursework (including general education, area of emphasis, and, if needed, free electives).
- Demonstrate competency in reading, written expression, and mathematics as defined in Title 5 § 55063 for the appropriate catalog year.
- Achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better in degree-applicable college credit coursework.
- Complete a minimum of 12 semester units in residence at the college granting the degree. Exceptions to the residency requirement can be made by the VCCCD Board of Trustees when injustice or undue hardship would result.
- Apply for the Associate Degree in the Counseling Office by the published deadline dates. All of the student's official transcripts and test scores (such as AP, IB, or CLEP) must be on file with the Admissions and Records office.
Note: Students planning to transfer to a four-year university are advised that this curriculum may not adequately prepare them for transfer. General Studies Patterns II and III degrees are designed for transfer students.
References: AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education; last reviewed in May 2024. AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates; last reviewed in May 2024.
Areas of Emphasis for Pattern I Offered at Ventura College
At the time of catalog publication, a student may earn the following General Studies AA Pattern I (Area of Emphasis) degrees at Ventura College:
Natural Sciences Emphasis
The courses that fulfill the Natural Sciences area of emphasis will examine the physical universe, its life forms, and its natural phenomena. The courses are designed to develop students' appreciation and understanding of the scientific method and encourage an understanding of the relationships between science and other human activities.
Course ID | Title | Units/Hours |
AG V04 | Introduction to Soil Science | 3 |
AG V06 | Introduction to Plant Science (with Laboratory) | 3 |
AG V21 | Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) | 3 |
AG V22 | Introduction to Plant Pathology: Insects and Diseases of Plants | 3 |
AG V30 | Plant Propagation and Production | 3 |
AG V42 | Plant Identification and Culture: Spring Specimens | 3 |
AG V43 | Plant Identification and Culture: Fall Specimens | 3 |
AG V61 | Introduction to Animal Science | 3 |
AG V66 | Anatomy and Physiology of Animals | 4 |
ANAT V01 | Human Anatomy | 4 |
ANPH V01 | Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology | 5 |
ANTH V01 | Biological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH V01L | Biological Anthropology Laboratory | 1 |
ANTH V35 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
ANTH V35L | Introduction to Forensic Science Laboratory | 1 |
ANTH V36 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
AST V01 | Elementary Astronomy | 3 |
AST V01L | Elementary Astronomy Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL V01 | Principles of Biology | 3 |
BIOL V01L | Principles of Biology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL V03 | Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology | 5 |
BIOL V04 | Cell and Molecular Biology | 5 |
BIOL V10 | Introduction to Environmental Issues | 3 |
BIOL V12 | Human Biology | 3 |
BIOL V14 | Field Biology: A Natural History of California | 4 |
BIOL V18 | Human Heredity | 3 |
BIOL V29 | Marine Biology | 3 |
BIOL V29L | Marine Biology Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM V01A | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM V01AL | General Chemistry I Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM V01B | General Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM V01BL | General Chemistry II Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM V12A | General Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM V12AL | General Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM V12B | General Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM V12BL | General Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM V20 | Elementary Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM V20L | Elementary Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM V21 | Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry | 3 |
CHEM V21L | Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM V30 | Chemistry for Health Sciences | 4 |
CHEM V30L | Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory | 1 |
CJ V35 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
CJ V35L | Introduction to Forensic Science Laboratory | 1 |
CJ V36 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
ESRM V01 | Introduction to Environmental Issues | 3 |
ESRM V02 | Introduction to Environmental Science | 3 |
ESRM V10 | Environmental Ecology | 3 |
ESRM V14 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 |
GEOG V01 | Elements of Physical Geography | 3 |
GEOG V01L | Elements of Physical Geography Laboratory | 1 |
GEOG V05 | Introduction to Weather and Climate | 3 |
GEOG V22 | Fundamentals of Mapping and Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
GEOL V02 | Physical Geology | 3 |
GEOL V02L | Physical Geology Laboratory | 1 |
GEOL V03 | Historical Geology | 3 |
GEOL V03L | Historical Geology Laboratory | 1 |
GEOL V07 | Geology of National Parks | 3 |
GEOL V09 | Earth Science with Laboratory | 4 |
GEOL V11 | Introduction to Oceanography | 3 |
GEOL V21 | Natural Disasters | 3 |
GIS V22 | Fundamentals of Mapping and Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
MICR V01 | General Microbiology | 4 |
NS V07 | Pharmacology | 3 |
PHSC V01 | Concepts in Physical Science | 4 |
PHSO V01 | Human Physiology | 4 |
PHYS V01 | Elementary Physics | 5 |
PHYS V02A | General Physics I: Algebra/Trigonometry-Based | 4 |
PHYS V02AL | General Physics I Laboratory: Algebra/Trigonometry-Based | 1 |
PHYS V02B | General Physics II: Algebra/Trigonometry-Based | 4 |
PHYS V02BL | General Physics II Laboratory: Algebra/Trigonometry-Based | 1 |
PHYS V03A | General Physics I: Calculus-Based | 4 |
PHYS V03AL | General Physics I Laboratory: Calculus-Based | 1 |
PHYS V03B | General Physics II: Calculus-Based | 4 |
PHYS V03BL | General Physics II Laboratory: Calculus-Based | 1 |
PHYS V04 | Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHYS V04L | Mechanics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers | 1 |
PHYS V05 | Electricity and Magnetism for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHYS V05L | Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers | 1 |
PHYS V06 | Optics, Heat, and Modern Physics: For Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
PHYS V06L | Optics, Heat, and Modern Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers | 1 |
PSY V03 | Introduction to Biological Psychology | 3 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Emphasis
The courses that fulfill the Social and Behavioral Sciences area of emphasis will examine people as members of society. The courses are designed to:
- develop students' awareness of the method of inquiry used by the social and behavioral sciences,
- stimulate critical thinking about the ways people respond to their societies, and
- promote appreciation of how societies and social subgroups operate.
Course ID | Title | Units/Hours |
AES V01 | Native Peoples of North America | 3 |
AES V02A | United States History: Focus on Native Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
AES V02B | United States History: Focus on Native Americans Since the Civil War | 3 |
AES V11 | Racial and Ethnic Group Relations | 3 |
AES V20 | Introduction to Chicano Studies | 3 |
AES V21A | The Heritage of Mexico to the First Republic | 3 |
AES V21B | The Heritage of Mexico Since Liberation | 3 |
AES V22 | United States History: Focus on Chicanos since 1850 | 3 |
AES V23 | Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Studies Issues | 3 |
AES V24 | Sociology of the Chicano Community | 3 |
AES V40A | United States History: Focus on African Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
AES V40B | United States History: Focus on African Americans Since Reconstruction | 3 |
AES V41 | African American Experience | 3 |
AES V42A | African History to 1800 | 3 |
AES V42B | African History since 1800 | 3 |
AES V63 | United States History: Focus on Asian Americans | 3 |
AG V12 | Agriculture Economics | 3 |
ANTH V02 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH V03 | Introduction to Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH V04 | Native Peoples of North America | 3 |
ANTH V05 | Linguistic Anthropology: Culture and Communication | 3 |
ANTH V06 | Sex, Gender, and Culture | 3 |
ANTH V07 | The Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion | 3 |
ANTH V35 | Introduction to Forensic Science | 3 |
ANTH V35L | Introduction to Forensic Science Laboratory | 1 |
ANTH V36 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
BUS V30 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
CD V02 | Child Growth and Development | 3 |
CD V03 | Human Development | 3 |
CD V05 | Teaching in a Diverse Society | 3 |
CD V10 | Introduction to Children with Special Needs | 3 |
CD V27 | Infant and Toddler Development | 3 |
CD V61 | Child, Family, and Community | 3 |
CHST V01 | Introduction to Chicano Studies | 3 |
CHST V02 | Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Studies Issues | 3 |
CHST V24 | Sociology of the Chicano Community | 3 |
ECON V01A | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON V01B | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ESRM V03 | Introduction to Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management | 3 |
FILM V11 | History of International Cinema: World War II to the Present | 3 |
GEOG V02 | Introduction to Human Geography | 3 |
GEOG V06 | Geography of California | 3 |
GEOG V08 | World Regional Geography | 3 |
GEOG V16 | Regional Field Studies | 1 |
HIST V13 | African American Experience | 3 |
HIST V16 | United States History: Focus on Foreign Relations | 3 |
HIST V32 | United States History: Focus on Women to 1877 | 3 |
HIST V43 | United States History: Focus on African Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V44 | History of the Americas to 1821 | 3 |
HIST V45 | United States History: Focus on Native Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V46 | United States History to 1877 | 3 |
HIST V48 | The Heritage of Mexico to the First Republic | 3 |
HIST V50 | United States History: Focus on Asian Americans | 3 |
HIST V51 | United States History: Focus on African Americans Since Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V53 | United States History: Focus on Women since 1877 | 3 |
HIST V54 | History of the Americas since 1763 | 3 |
HIST V55 | United States History: Focus on Native Americans Since the Civil War | 3 |
HIST V56 | United States History since 1865 | 3 |
HIST V57 | The Heritage of Mexico Since Liberation | 3 |
HIST V58 | United States History: Focus on Chicanos since 1850 | 3 |
HIST V59 | History of California | 3 |
HIST V70 | Introduction to Western Civilization to the Scientific Revolution | 3 |
HIST V73 | African History to 1800 | 3 |
HIST V76 | World History to 1550 | 3 |
HIST V78 | History of Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST V79 | Introduction to the History of East Asia | 3 |
HIST V82 | Introduction to Western Civilization since the Scientific Revolution | 3 |
HIST V83 | African History since 1800 | 3 |
HIST V86 | World History Since 1500 | 3 |
HIST V87 | Introduction to the History of Science and Technology | 3 |
POLS V01 | American Government | 3 |
POLS V02 | Comparative Government | 3 |
POLS V03 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
POLS V04 | Introduction to Political Theory | 3 |
POLS V05 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
POLS V09 | United States-Mexico Relations | 3 |
POLS V11 | Government and Politics of Mexico | 3 |
POLS V12 | Introduction to Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management | 3 |
POLS V14 | Global Studies | 3 |
POLS V17 | Introduction to American Law | 3 |
POLS V18 | Introduction to Global Issues | 3 |
PSY V01 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
PSY V02 | Personal Growth and Social Awareness | 3 |
PSY V05 | Introduction to Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSY V07 | Introduction to Research Methods in Social and Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
PSY V15 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PSY V25 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
PSY V29 | Introduction to Personality Psychology | 3 |
PSY V30 | Multicultural Psychology | 3 |
PSY V31 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3 |
SOC V01 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC V02 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOC V03 | Racial and Ethnic Group Relations | 3 |
SOC V04 | Sociology of Gender Roles | 3 |
SOC V05 | Sociology of Relationships: Intimacy, Commitment, and Family Patterns | 3 |
SOC V07 | Sociological Analysis | 3 |
SOC V13 | Sociology of Deviance, Crime, and Society | 3 |
SOC V24 | Sociology of the Chicano Community | 3 |
SOC V31 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3 |
SWHS V01 | Introduction to Social Work and Human Services | 3 |
Arts and Humanities Emphasis
The courses that fulfill the Arts and Humanities area of emphasis will examine the cultural activities and artistic expressions of human beings. The courses are designed to develop students' awareness of the ways in which people throughout the ages and in different cultures have responded to themselves and the world around them in artistic and cultural creation and to develop students' aesthetic understanding and ability to make value judgments.
Course ID | Title | Units/Hours |
AES V63 | United States History: Focus on Asian Americans | 3 |
ART V01 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART V02A | Introduction to the History of Western Art I | 3 |
ART V02B | Introduction to the History of Western Art II | 3 |
ART V02D | Art of the Ancient Mediterranean | 3 |
ART V04 | Introduction to Renaissance and Baroque Art | 3 |
ART V05 | Introduction to American Art | 3 |
ART V06 | Introduction to Modern Art | 3 |
ART V07 | Introduction to Women in the Arts | 3 |
ART V08 | Introduction to Asian Art | 3 |
ART V09A | Art of the Ancient Americas | 3 |
ART V09B | Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art | 3 |
ART V11A | Color and Design: Two-Dimensional Design | 3 |
ART V11B | Color and Design: Color Theory and Practice | 3 |
ART V12A | Drawing and Composition I | 3 |
ART V12B | Drawing and Composition II | 3 |
ART V13A | Life Drawing I | 3 |
ART V13B | Life Drawing II | 3 |
ART V15A | Life Painting I | 3 |
ART V16A | Beginning Oil Painting I | 3 |
ART V19 | Three-Dimensional Design | 3 |
ART V27 | Metal Art Sculpture | 3 |
ART V29A | Illustration I | 3 |
ART V46A | Beginning Acrylic Painting I | 3 |
ART V50A | Handbuilding Ceramics I | 3 |
ART V51A | Beginning Ceramics I | 3 |
ART V58A | Figure Sculpture I | 3 |
ART V68 | Introduction to Digital Art | 3 |
ART V71 | Graphic Design: Typography | 3 |
ART V72 | Introduction to Graphic Design | 3 |
COMM V01 | Introduction to Speech Communication | 3 |
COMM V03 | Group Communication | 3 |
COMM V05 | Oral Interpretation and Communication of Literature | 3 |
COMM V10 | Critical Thinking in Oral Communication: Argumentation and Debate | 3 |
COMM V12 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COMM V15 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM V16 | Introduction to Mass Communications | 3 |
DANC V01 | Dance Appreciation | 3 |
DANC V02 | Western Concert Dance History | 3 |
DANC V10A | Modern I | 2 |
DANC V13A | Tap I | 2 |
DANC V14 | Movement for the Theatre | 2 |
DANC V15A | Ballet I | 2 |
DANC V23 | Ballroom Dance | 2 |
DANC V27 | Street Dance | 2 |
DANC V29A | Jazz I | 2 |
DANC V30A | Dance Performance I | 3 |
DANC V50A | Composition I | 2 |
ENGL V01B | Critical Thinking and Composition Through Literature | 4 |
ENGL V01C | Critical Thinking and Writing | 3 |
ENGL V10 | Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL V11A | Intermediate Creative Writing I | 3 |
ENGL V12 | Introduction to Media Writing | 3 |
ENGL V15 | Introduction to Poetry | 3 |
ENGL V16 | Introduction to Fiction | 3 |
ENGL V18 | Children's Literature and Film | 3 |
ENGL V21A | British Literature before 1800 | 3 |
ENGL V21B | British Literature since 1800 | 3 |
ENGL V22A | American Literature: Colonial Period to 1865 | 3 |
ENGL V22B | American Literature: 1865 to Present | 3 |
ENGL V23 | Introduction to Dramatic Literature | 3 |
ENGL V26 | Introduction to Shakespeare and Film | 3 |
ENGL V29A | Aesthetics of Film I | 3 |
ENGL V29B | Aesthetics of Film II | 3 |
ENGL V30 | World Literature: Antiquity to 1650 | 3 |
ENGL V31 | World Literature: 1650 to Present | 3 |
ENGL V33 | Introduction to African American Literature | 3 |
ENGL V34 | Introduction to Chicana/o Literature | 3 |
ENGL V35 | Introduction to Ethnic American Literatures | 3 |
ENGL V36 | Women in Literature | 3 |
FILM V01 | Introduction to Media Aesthetics and Cinematic Arts | 3 |
FILM V04 | Documentary Filmmaking | 3 |
FILM V05 | Narrative Filmmaking | 3 |
FILM V10 | Contemporary American Cinema | 3 |
FREN V01 | Elementary French I | 5 |
FREN V02 | Elementary French II | 5 |
GERM V01 | Elementary German I | 5 |
GERM V02 | Elementary German II | 5 |
HIST V43 | United States History: Focus on African Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V45 | United States History: Focus on Native Americans to Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V50 | United States History: Focus on Asian Americans | 3 |
HIST V51 | United States History: Focus on African Americans Since Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST V55 | United States History: Focus on Native Americans Since the Civil War | 3 |
HIST V58 | United States History: Focus on Chicanos since 1850 | 3 |
HIST V70 | Introduction to Western Civilization to the Scientific Revolution | 3 |
HIST V76 | World History to 1550 | 3 |
HIST V79 | Introduction to the History of East Asia | 3 |
HIST V82 | Introduction to Western Civilization since the Scientific Revolution | 3 |
ITAL V01 | Elementary Italian I | 5 |
ITAL V02 | Elementary Italian II | 5 |
JAPN V01 | Elementary Japanese I | 5 |
JAPN V02 | Elementary Japanese II | 5 |
MUS V01 | Fundamentals of Music | 3 |
MUS V03 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
MUS V06 | History of Rock and Roll | 3 |
MUS V07 | History of Jazz | 3 |
MUS V08 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS V09A | Western Music History and Literature I: Antiquity to 1750 | 3 |
MUS V09B | Western Music History and Literature II: 1750 to the Present | 3 |
MUS V39 | Introduction to Music Technology | 3 |
PHIL V01 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL V02 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL V04 | Introduction to Logic | 3 |
PHIL V09 | Zen Buddhism | 3 |
PHIL V10 | World Mythology | 3 |
PHIL V12 | Introduction to Religion | 3 |
PHIL V14 | Confucianism and Taoism | 3 |
PHIL V15 | Teachings of Jesus in Comparative Perspective | 3 |
PHOT V01 | Beginning Photography | 3 |
PHOT V02 | Digital Studio | 3 |
PHOT V07 | History of Photography | 3 |
SPAN V01 | Elementary Spanish I | 5 |
SPAN V02 | Elementary Spanish II | 5 |
SPAN V03 | Intermediate Spanish I | 5 |
SPAN V03S | Spanish Heritage Language I | 5 |
SPAN V04 | Intermediate Spanish II | 5 |
SPAN V04S | Spanish Heritage Language II | 5 |
THA V01 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
THA V02A | Acting I | 3 |
THA V05A | Stagecraft I | 3 |
THA V05B | Stagecraft II | 3 |
THA V06A | Makeup I | 3 |
THA V06B | Makeup II | 3 |
THA V08 | Script Analysis | 3 |
THA V11A | Technical Theatre in Production I | 1 |
THA V13A | Rehearsal and Performance I | 1 |
THA V20 | Costume Design and History | 3 |
THA V22A | Costume Technology I | 3 |
THA V22B | Costume Technology II | 3 |
THA V28 | Introduction to Cinema | 3 |
THA V29A | History of Motion Pictures I | 3 |
THA V29B | History of Motion Pictures II | 3 |
THA V30A | Screenwriting I | 3 |
THA V31A | Acting for Film and Television I | 3 |
THA V31B | Acting for Film and Television II | 3 |
WEL V27 | Metal Art Sculpture | 3 |
Holistic Health Studies Emphasis
The courses that fulfill the Holistic Health Studies area of emphasis will study the principles underlying the mind-body-spirit connection and their relevance for guiding human beings through the major foundational experiences of life. This emphasis is visionary in nature, reflecting changes already occurring in society in general and in the local community specifically.
Course ID | Title | Units/Hours |
Required Core Courses | ||
HED V71 | Survey of Alternative and Integrative Medicine | 3 |
HED V73 | Introduction to Holistic Health and Healing | 3 |
Required Additional Courses | ||
Select one course from each of the following areas: | 14 | |
Spiritual Courses: | ||
Spiritual Health | ||
or PHIL V09 | Zen Buddhism | |
Culture, Philosophy and Religion Courses: | ||
The Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion | ||
Survey of World Religions: East | ||
Survey of World Religions: West | ||
Social Problems | ||
Health and Human Development Courses: | ||
Health and Wellness | ||
Health and Wellness: Designed for Women | ||
Fundamentals of Nutrition and Fitness | ||
Managing Stress | ||
Personal Growth and Social Awareness | ||
Mind, Body and Spirit Courses: | ||
Aikido I | ||
Aikido II | ||
Yoga I | ||
Yoga II | ||
Stress Reduction Activities | ||
Core Balance and Fitness | ||
Advanced Core Balance and Fitness | ||
Tai Chi I | ||
Tai Chi II | ||
Aerobic and Resistance Training Courses: | ||
Aerobic and Strength Training | ||
Bicycle Conditioning: Spinning | ||
Step Aerobics | ||
Aerobic Kickboxing | ||
Cardiovascular Fitness: Machine Training | ||
Indoor Cross Fitness Training | ||
Walking to Restore Fitness | ||
Fitness Walking/Jogging | ||
Running for Fitness | ||
Advanced Running/Interval Training | ||
Weight Training and Conditioning: Free Weights | ||
Conditioning: Designed for Women | ||
Science and the Environment Courses: | ||
Principles of Biology | ||
Introduction to Environmental Issues | ||
Human Biology | ||
Introduction to Environmental Issues | ||
Elements of Physical Geography | ||
Introduction to Human Geography | ||
Geography of California |