Guided Pathways
Guided Pathways
Each of Ventura College's programs listed below is grouped under six broad "Career and Major Communities" in the college's Guided Pathways framework. Further information is linked regarding the respective programs within each Career and Major Community including career information and a sample program map outlining the sequence of courses needed for the program.
Below are the links to the six Career and Major Communities:
Society & Education
The Society & Education community prepares students for certificates, degrees, transfer, and careers related to understanding of cultures, communities, human behavior, teaching, liberal studies, special education and related fields.
Arts, Language & Communication
The Arts, Language & Communication Community prepares students for certificates, degrees, transfer, and careers related to visual arts, theater, music, creative writing, journalism, and related fields.
Science and Technology
The Science & Technology community prepares students for certificates, degrees, transfer, and careers related to science, technology, engineering, math, agriculture, architectural design, automotive technology, diesel mechanics, food safety, manufacturing, plant science, veterinary technology, water science & welding.
Health & Wellness
The Health & Wellness community prepares students for certificates, degrees, transfer, and careers related to health, nutrition, kinesiology, nursing, paramedic, and other allied health professionals.
The Business community prepares students for certificates, degrees, transfer, and careers related to entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, human resources, accounting, managements, social media marketing, and related fields.
Choosing a major and/or career can be a challenging process. The college resources especially the Ventura College Career Center and the Exploratory Maps will support your exploration of options that best fit your interests, values, and educational goals.