Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies
Credit Courses
This course is required for students who are interested in being tutors at Ventura College. It is an introduction to the theories and methods of effective tutoring including communication techniques, learning theories and individual and group instruction. The course is designed to provide the student tutor with experience, information, and techniques that will make him/her a more effective tutor.
This course is required for students who will be tutors of writing and reading at Ventura College. Student tutors will learn to help student writers throughout the writing process and to work with students of varying proficiency and from diverse backgrounds. Course topics will include: a review of general tutoring skills, tutoring writing, working with sentence-level errors, the reading-writing connection, learning skills and learning disabilities, and special tutoring situations. After an initial orientation, including readings and in-class exercises, students will complete a tutoring practicum and use class time to analyze and reflect on those tutoring sessions.
Noncredit Courses
This course is required for students who are interested in being tutors at Ventura College. It is an introduction to the theories and methods of effective tutoring including communication techniques, learning theories and individual and group instruction. The course is designed to provide the student tutor with experience, information, and techniques that will make him/her a more effective tutor.
This is an open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought.