Physical Science
Physical Science
Physical Science courses prepare students for a diversity of professions requiring an understanding of the fundamentals of the physical sciences. Such professions include teaching science at the primary and secondary levels, serving as a technical administrator in government and industry, or completing legal work with patents, scientific librarianship, and scientific journalism.
This course is an investigation of basic principles of physics and chemistry, including matter, physical and chemical properties, energy, motion, light, atomic structure, bonding, solutions, and chemical reactions. The interdependence of chemistry and physics will be emphasized, with focus on principles, laws, and concepts in physical science. Students will experience hands-on science, focusing their efforts on modeling the processes involved in scientific reasoning and experimentation: questioning, forming a hypothesis, and testing the hypothesis through experimentation. The course will reflect current knowledge about science teaching and concept development. Laboratory activities are closely sequenced with the coursework. This course is intended for non-science majors.