Student Activities and Government
Student Activities and Government

Program Purpose
Student activities allow students to develop leadership and life skills that complement their academic growth. Through their participation in student government and clubs, students will hone their skills in self advocacy and personal accountability, and will participate in the college’s shared governance process.
Advertising, Posting and Distribution of Information on Campus
The Student Activities Office must approve all non-campus sponsored event flyers, posters, and advertisements posted on Ventura College Campus. Campus program and activity flyers do not need to be approved by the Student Activities Office. The Student Activities Office will post Campus flyers, posters, and advertisements for college departments every Friday morning. A maximum of 15 flyers, posters, and advertisements from the same organization or advertising the same event will be approved for posting. Approved advertisements MAY only be posted on general-use bulletin boards and kiosks. Flyers will be removed the day after the event. Flyers may be posted for up to 10 working days without an end date and will be taken down by the Student Activities Office. Only blue painter's tape, tacks, or staples can be used. No information may be placed on exterior walls, vehicles, sidewalks, poles and campus maps, directories, and sliding glass doors. Unapproved items may be removed by staff. Ventura College reserves the right to approve or not approve all posted material on the college campus. Please refer to Ed Code 76120 or Business and Professional Code 5402 for more information.
Associated Students
Each spring semester, the student body elects its officially recognized student government, the Associated Students of Ventura College (ASVC) Board of Directors. This Board consists of twelve student officers representing Ventura College students on campus, district, and statewide participatory committees. ASVC provides students at Ventura College with a voice to share their ideas and concerns and leadership opportunities and encouragement for students to get involved on campus through student organizations, campus events, and extracurricular activities. ASVC inspires students towards critical thinking, civic responsibility, advocacy, and leadership. The ASVC Board of Directors funds campus events that student organizations and the College sponsor to develop student life on campus beyond the classroom. The ASVC Office is located inside the Student Activities Office.
Student Government meetings are held biweekly on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Student Center Multi-Purpose Room. Students are welcome to attend meetings and participate in discussions and activities. Students have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate on all College-wide and District committees, councils, and boards that influence College policymaking. Visit the Student Activities Office, CSA Building, or call (805) 289-6487 for more information.
Diversity in Culture Festival
The Diversity in Culture festival is an annual event highlighting diversity through unique educational experiences. The event includes lectures, presentations, workshops, performances, student organizations, food, and a cultural marketplace. The two-day event is open to the campus and community and provides opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment while enhancing cultural competencies. All are welcome to attend.
Student Activity Fee (optional)
An optional Student Activity Fee is collected at the time of registration ($7 per semester). This fee provides support to student life activities, events, and programs sponsored by the Associated Students of Ventura College, campus student organizations, and departments including the Student Activities Office. Authorized by Education Code 70902(b)9, and approved by the VCCCD Board of Trustees April 2015. This fee may be waived for religious, political, financial or moral reasons. Waiver forms are available at the Student Business Office. Students who pay the fee may be eligible for exclusive events, activities, and programs hosted by ASVC and the Student Activities Office.
Student Activities Program
The Student Activities Office provides opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and network through a wide variety of activities and experiences. The program encourages student life on campus by overseeing the Associated Students, student clubs, and organizations and hosting and sponsoring campus events. Program areas include but are not limited to student activities and programs, leadership, Associated Students of Ventura College (ASVC), posting approval, vendor approval, use of facilities and services by student clubs and organizations, student photo identification, and student commencement.
These extracurricular activities allow students to learn leadership, civic responsibility, and appreciation of diversity and inclusion while providing them with skills and experiences to enhance their education and professional opportunities. All students can get involved in campus life by participating in student organizations, student government, being a student representative on college committees, or attending campus activities. Students who get involved in campus life will discover their talents and potential through practical applications of critical thinking, civic responsibility, and leadership. Find out how to get involved by contacting the Student Activities Office (inside the Student Campus Center, across from the Bookstore), calling (805) 289-6487, or visiting us at
Student Clubs and Organizations
A variety of special interest clubs and student organizations are active on Ventura College's campus. These organizations provide opportunities for students to meet, organize and work together to achieve specific goals. These organizations make up the Inter-Club Council, which is designed to encourage students to get involved in campus life beyond the classroom. These student clubs organizations host a variety of campus activities throughout the year and provide personal and professional enrichment opportunities. For more information about student organizations or how to start a student organization at Ventura College, stop by Student Activities Office, or visit the V.C. Clubs & Organizations webpage at the Ventura College website.
Some of the existing student clubs and some organizations include:
- Agriculture Ambassadors
- Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society
- Anime & Esports
- Anthropology Club
- Architecture Club
- Automotive Club
- Black Student Union (B.S.U.)
- Circle K International
- Computer Science Club
- Engineering Society
- E.O.P.S. Club
- Environmental Outdoor Student Organization
- Holistic Health Club
- I.D.E.A.S. club
- Intervarsity
- L.G.T.B.Q. Alliance
- V.C. de M.E.Ch.A.
- Music Club
- PartnerShip (Business Club)
- Pirate's Pre-Nursing
- Political Science Club
- Psychology Club
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Student Nurse Association
- Water Science Association
- Zumba Dance Club
Ventura College Identification Card
Upon payment of the fee ($10 yearly or $6 per semester), students receive a Ventura College photo ID card that entitles them to a variety of goods and services, including free admission to many VC athletic events and discounted student theatre performances and musical performances. In addition, discounts of 10% and greater are available from a variety of businesses in the community. Cards are issued through the Student Activities Office.