Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences

Biology is the study of living organisms from those composed of one cell to those made of trillions of cells and everything in between, including bacteria, mushrooms, humans, other animals, and plants. Biology majors also receive a strong foundation in other science fields, as these are relevant to living organisms. For example, all living things are made of molecules. So to understand how these molecules will interact in living organisms, biology majors will receive a foundation in chemistry. Students in the biology program at Oxnard College will learn about the diversity of living organisms and will become skilled in laboratory techniques. Various career options in biology will also be explored.
The Associate in Science in Biology for Transfer (AS-T) is recommended for those students planning to transfer to a California State University school as it provides certain guarantees upon transfer. The AS-T in Biology is also recommended for students planning to transfer to the University of California or other four-year institution as a biology major as it will meet the majority of their lower-division degree requirements. Students interested in a career in the health professions such as dental hygiene or nursing should consider the Associate in Science or Certificate of Achievement in Pre-Health Professions to obtain the prerequisite courses for those career paths. See a counselor for more information regarding the specific degree requirements for your transfer institution and
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No credit will be given for BIOL R101 + BIOL R101L if taken after BIOL R120 + BIOL R120L.
NOTE: The UC limits enrollment in some courses. See Overview tab for more information.
Anatomy Courses
This course is organized into two parts: lecture and laboratory. The lecture portion is an introduction to gross anatomy as well as organization and histology of human organ systems. The laboratory portion reinforces the lecture material and consists of hands-on experiments and demonstrations used to illustrate the principles and concepts of anatomy. These include but are not limited to microscope use, model and specimen examination, dissection of the cat as well as other livestock organs and demonstration of the dissected human cadaver. This course meets the requirements of students anticipating transfer to university, medical school, dental school, holistic medicine, kinesiology programs and other health care certificated programs.
Biology Courses
This course provides an introduction to the diversity of marine organisms and the physical and biological processes that influence their life history, behavior, distribution, and anatomical structure. Topics also address the interactions of these organisms and processes in a variety of habitats, marine ecology, and marine conservation.
This laboratory course provides an introduction to the diversity of marine organisms and the physical and biological processes that influence their structure, life history, and behavior.
This course is an introduction to the science of life, cell biology, metabolism, diet, genetics, evolution and ecology and will include current issues and news on these topics. Credit will not be awarded for both the regular and honors versions of a course. Credit will be awarded only for the first course completed with a grade of C or better or "P.".
This course is an introduction to the science of life, cell biology, metabolism, diet, genetics, evolution and ecology and will include current issues and news on these topics. Honors work challenges students to be more analytical and creative through expanded assignments, real-world applications, and enrichment opportunities. Credit will not be awarded for both the honors and regular versions of a course. Credit will be awarded only for the first course completed with a grade of C or better or "P.".
This is a laboratory course designed to be taken in conjunction with BIOL R101 as an introduction to biology laboratory practices for non-majors as well as those considering majoring in Biology. The laboratory exercises cover the scientific method, basic biochemistry, microscopy, cellular organization, cellular energy transformation, cellular reproduction, genetics, and evolution.
The first semester of biology for majors introduces the student to principles of cellular and molecular biology. Knowledge from a breadth of disciplines related to health, medical and research science careers is examined including: biochemistry, metabolism, molecular biology, genetics, cellular biology, recombinant DNA, developmental biology, microbiology and molecular evolution. While the diversity of life is surveyed, an emphasis is placed on the biology worldview derived from experimental data of specific model genera, animal cell culture systems and prokaryotic/eukaryotic viruses. The method of generating hypothesis based research results and the role of paradigms in advancing biological science theory are examined.
This is a laboratory course designed to complement the BIOL R120 lecture course, the first course in the series of biology courses for majors. The current methods employed by investigators in the biological sciences are presented. These include, but are not limited to microscopy, differential centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, recombinant DNA methods and PCR.
This course, intended for biology majors, includes a survey of the basic biology and diversity of unicellular (eubacteria, archaebacteria, and protists) and multicellular organisms (protists, fungi, plants, and animals). It examines the basic principles governing evolution of organisms, organism structure and function, and interactions between organisms and the environment. General biological principles including classification, organism structure and function, and evolutionary adaptations of organisms to their environments, and ecological principles are covered.
This course, intended for biology majors, is a survey of the diversity of unicellular and multicellular organisms, their anatomy, functional morphology, physiology, development, and interactions with each other and their environment.
This course is intended for biology majors and covers comparative diversity, structure, and function of plants. Topics include development, morphology and physiology, taxonomy and systematics. Principles of population and community ecology and ecosystem interactions are emphasized.
This course involves laboratory and field studies of the characteristics and relationships of selected plants from the major divisions. Students will learn the principles of taxonomy, and will gain practice in identification of species by means of keys. This course will offer an introduction to the basic experimental techniques and instrumentation used in the investigation of plant physiology.
This field course is an introduction to topics in marine biology related to current resource management issues in this region. Trips to natural areas where biological, geological, and oceanographic resources can be observed will be combined with related information about resource management at the federal, state, and local levels.
Designed for students interested in furthering their knowledge of Biology on an independent study basis. These studies may require a combination of laboratory and library research. Project findings will be presented in a scientific poster format, video, protocol or research publication.
Microbiology Courses
This course is an introduction to the structure, metabolic activities, utility and pathogenicity of bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses. The topics will include distribution, metabolism, molecular genetics, biotechnology, immunity, cancer, probiotics and the physical/chemical methods used in control of microbes and cellular pathogens. The principles of disease transmission, prevention and immunity will also be presented. The diversity of the microbial world and its applications to improving human health and quality of life are emphasized.
This course is an introduction to the structure, metabolic activities, utility and pathogenicity of bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses. The topics will include distribution, metabolism, molecular genetics, biotechnology, immunity, cancer, probiotics and the physical/chemical methods used in control of microbes and cellular pathogens. The principles of disease transmission, prevention and immunity will also be presented. The diversity of the microbial world and its applications to improving human health and quality of life are emphasized.
Designed for students interested in furthering their knowledge of Microbiology on an independent study basis. These studies may require a combination of laboratory and library research. Project findings will be presented in a scientific poster format, video, protocol or research publication.
Physiology Courses
This course emphasizes principles of cellular and systemic functions of the human body. Lecture topics include scientific method, basic inorganic and organic chemistry, solute as well as water transport and balance, homeostatic mechanisms, and functions of the major organ systems. This course emphasizes demonstrations and techniques of commonly utilized laboratory equipment. Laboratory topics will primarily consist of analysis, interpretation and evaluation of data gathered relating to homeostatic mechanisms, functions of the major organ systems and disease. Experiments reinforce material presented in lecture.
For more information contact:
Math, Science, Health, PE, and Athletics Division Office (805) 678-5201
Dr. Shannon Newby
Dr. James Harber
Dr. Sharbani Banerjee
Rachel Ulrich